Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hair Clip with Vintage Sew-on Beads

I made a hair clip from old glass sew-on beads. I wrote about sew-on beads before. These purple colored ones are really small but absolutely sweet! They measure 5mm in diameter and each of them has two tiny holes. Beads have faceted top that was achieved during molding process and gold foiling that reflects the light. I also used rice-shaped glass pearls that I'll show more about, vintage red glass cabochon, Czech fire polished beads and seed beads. I attached everything by thin wire one by one.

vintage antique beading supplies
 These sew-on beads are small, measuring only 5mm in diameter

vintage style jewelry mdmButiik
Hair clip measures 3cm in diameter. I used colors like purple, pink and red.

Eesti käsitöö ehted
The foiling behind the sew-on beads reflects the light

Ma tegin juukselõksu vanadest õmmeldavatest helmestest. Kirjutasin ka varem sellistest õmmeldavatest helmestest oma blogis. Need lillat värvi on päris väikesed aga üliarmsad! Nende diameeter on 5mm ja igal ühel on kaks imetillukest auku. Helmestel on tahuline pealispind, mis saadi klaasipressimise käigus ning valgust peegeldav fooliumkiht. Veel kasutasin riisikujulisi klaaspärleid, millest kirjutan rohkem kunagi, vintage punast klaaskivi, Tšehhi lihvitud helmeid ja seemnehelmeid. Kõik materjalid ühendasin ükshaaval peenikese traadiga.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Vintage Sewing Kit

What a great find! This is vintage sewing kit that has engravings on surface. Gold color is a bit faded but still there and it has a tassel that looks worn. This sewing kit is small enough to put into purse or hang on chatelaine. Inside there is a thread holder for three different threads and it's  also a needle-case at the same time. I've search the internet for references and many similar kits were made in Austria or Germany between 1900-1940's, some were claimed to be Victorian. Older ones had wooden thread holders, newer ones from plastic. The kit should also contain a thimble. I was wondering if I should look for a brass thimble to complete the set?

Old sewing kit with brass engraved bullet-shaped box and a tassel

These sewing kits should contain thread and needle holder and a thimble

This sewing kit is really small, measuring under 5cm long.

Üks huvitav leid! Selle vintage õmbluskomplekti karbike on messingust ja graveeritud. Kullavärv on pisut kulunud ja tekstiilist tutike aja jooksul rabedaks muutunud. Karbike on piisavalt väike, et mahtuda ka väiksesse käekotti või riputada chatelaine'i külge. Sees on niidihoidja kolmele, mis on samaaegselt ka nõelakarp. Vaatasin neid komplekte netist ja samasugused komplektid tehti väidetavalt Austrias või Saksamaal aastatel 1900-1940ndatel, mõnikord nimetati lausa viktooria ajastust. Vanemad on puust niidihoidjaga uuemad plastikust. Komplektist on puudu sõrmkübar. Võibolla peaks otsima siia juurde ühe messingust sõrmkübara, et komplekt oleks täielik?

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blue-Purple Rhinestone Brooch

In this brooch I used the seed beads I showed previously. They shimmer so nicely! Swarovski rhinestone colors here are Amethyst, Bermuda Blue and Montana. In the middle there is a vintage English cut glass bead I bought from France.

 In the middle is a vintage English cut glass bead. I used vintage seed beads to
 create a "frame" that shimmers due to the metallic coating and facets.

Rhinestone brooch measures 35mm in diameter.

Swarovski Bermuda Blue rhinestone drops show blue and violet colors, 
combining the Montana and Amethyst.

Selles prossis kasutasin varemnäidatud seemnhelmeid. Need sädelevad nii ilusti! Swarovski ehtekivide värvused on siin Amethyst, Bermuda Blue ja Montana. Prossi keskel on vintage "Englis cut" klaashelmed, mille sain Prantsusmaalt.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Vintage Czech Seed Beads

These vintage seed beads are so adorable! They have many facets and are treated to this awesome metallic shine! Here are two hanks in different colors.

vintage antique jewelry supplies

Need seemnehelmed on nii armsad! Neil on lihvitud tahud ning neile on antud äge metallik-läikeline viimistlus! Siin on kaks vihti erinevas toonis.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bermuda Blue Crystal Heart Necklace

This is a custom order similar to the pink necklace. This time I used Bermuda Blue Swarovski crystal and some different blue rhinestones (mostly Swarovski, and some Preciosa). I used lighter glass pearls here.

Heart of the Ocean necklace Swarovski designer handmade
 Bermuda Blue is a finish that is applied on the back of crystal clear rhinestone. 
This finish differs a bit when looking different suppliers (Swarovski, Preciosa, 
and other companies specialized in crystal coating). This Swarovski (article 4827) heart 
has gorgeous array of different blues with 
a light hint of purple when looking from the side.

Eesti disain käsitöö mdmButiik
On the filigree I used Swarovski rhinestones in Crystal, Light Sapphire, Sapphire
 and Preciosa rhinestones in Bermuda Blue and Capri Blue.

kristallidega ehted kaelakee mdmButiik Eesti
The size of the crystal heart is awesome!!! Measuring 27mm.

See siin on tellimustöö, mis sai alguse sellest roosast keest. Seekord kasutasin Swarovski Bermuda Blue südamekujulist kristalli ning erinevaid siniseid ehtekive (enamus Swarovski, mõned Preciosa). Kasutasin heledamaid pärleid.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Grey Pearl Necklace

This is another piece of jewelry where I used grey pearls. It is interesting how I lost the color preferences I thought I had when I was a kid. I had a favorite color back then. Did you? My favorite color when I was a kid was purple. And there were colors I liked and colors I didn't think much of. Like grey.

Although I have given up prejudice long time ago when concerning colors there's still so much to learn. Step by step I'll discover the possibilities of such a modest color as grey. It's a journey.

Grey necklace with vintage handmade glass pearl. See more photos on Etsy.

Siin on veel üks ehe, milles kasutasin halli värvi pärleid. See on üpris huvitav, kuidas on kadunud need värvi eelistused, mis mul väiksena olid. Mul oli siis lemmik värv. Aga sinul? Minu lemmik värv, kui olin laps, oli lilla. Olid värvid, mis mulle meeldisid ja värvid, millest suurt ei arvanud midagi. Nagu näiteks hall.

Kuigi olen värvide suhtes eelarvamustest ennast ammu distantseerunud, on nii tohutult palju veel, mida õppida. Samm-sammult avastan sellise tagasihoidliku värvi võimalusi nagu seda on hall. See on nagu avastusretk.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Romantic Pink Heart Necklace

This is what I came up with the Swarovski heart ( art. 4827) that I posted previously. I added a wide stamped filigree that I covered with glass Czech pearls and different color Swarovski rhinestones. This necklace is long - measuring 73cm from end to end. There is a signature tag behind the filigree. Necklace is finished with lobster clasp.


Selles kaelakees kasutasin eelmine kord mainitud Swarovski südamekujulist kivi (4827). Lisasin laia filigraanplaadi, mille katsin Tšehhi klaasist pärlite ja Swarovski kristallidega erinevas värvitoonis. See on pikk kaelakee - otsast otsani 73cm. Filigraanplaadi taga on signatuuri märk. Kaelakeel on vedruga kinnis.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Introducing Swarovski Heart 4827

This is brand new addition to my rhinestone collection. Sweet crystals in shape of faceted heart in lovely pink (Light Rose) color. The size is magnificent! Measuring 28mm these will definitely create an explosion of sparkle!!!

I searched for matching settings for a long time. These are the best I've found so far. These are pendant settings that have a row of tiny crystals as a frame. And of-course, in antique copper plating as I prefer ;)

jewelry supplies

Siin on uhiuus lisa minu ehtekivide kollektsiooni. Armsad südamekujulised kristallid nunnu-roosat värvi (Light Rose). Nende suurus on märkimisväärne! Mõõdult 28mm on neil küllalt "materjali", et pimestada sädelusega!!!

Sobivate "pesade" leidmine oli aeganõudev. Need siin on siiamaani parim leid. Need on mõeldud ripatsiks ja neil on tillukestest kristallidest raam ümber. Ja muidugi on viimistlusena siin antiikne vask nii, nagu mulle meeldib ;)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Rhinestone Brooches

A selection of rhinestone brooches in different size, design and color combination. There are Swarovski crystal glass rhinestones used in every brooch.
Brooches are in antique glass jewelry caskets that dates to 1890-1920s. The blue lining is obviously added later and the box in trapeze shape has lining covered with newer textile. Two other boxes have original lining with tiny buttons of silk thread.

vintage style jewelry crystal brooch
 10 brooches are all handmade with Swarovski crystals
 and different vintage and new beads

Valik ehtekividega prosse, erineva suuruse, disaini ja värvikombinatsioonidega. Igas prossis on kasutatud Swarovski kristallklaasist ehtekive.
Prossid on antiiksetes klaaskarpides, mis on valmistatud 1890-1920ndatel aastatel. Sinine vooder on arvatavasti lisatud hiljem, trapetsikujulisel karbil on vana vooder kaetud uuema kangaga, teisel kahel karbil on originaalvooder koos siidiga kaetud nööpidega.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Blue Rhinestone Jewelry with Glass Leaf

Set of necklaces that can be combine as one ever desires. Long necklace gives many options regarding how to wear it - once or twice around the neck, or perhaps wrapped around the wrist as a bracelet? And these necklaces create a perfect ensemble when worn together. Set is on DaWanda.

mdmButiik Eesti disain käsitöö
Set of two necklaces in same colors: 
modest pastel blue, white, grey and metallic dark bronze
vintage style jewelry
Long necklace with lobster clasp, measuring 126cm.

Rhinestone jewelry
Both necklaces together, long necklace is set as double.

rhinestone jewelry
Pendant is relatively small and has lovely vintage glass leaf with
 sparkly Swarovski rhinestones. In the middle of the pendant
 I used Swarovski discontinued color "Blue Opal"

Komplekt, mis koosneb kahest kaelakeest ja mida annab kombineerida vastavalt tujule. Pikk kaelakee annab juba iseenesest mitu varianti - kannad ühe või kahekordselt, mässid hoopis käevõruks? Keed täiendavad üksteist, kui kanda neid koos nagu eelviimasel pildil. Komplekt on müügil DaWandas.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Discovering Glass - Sizing Beads With Kernel Number and French Line

When I'm lucky I get beads in their original packages and then I might see sizing that just doesn't make sense. I mean, how can size be 3 1/2? When it measures about 8mm? So I realized it's not in the metric system and I couldn't imagine how inches can be used here either. Or how about size 00?

Answers came from one great book. It's called "Beads from Gablonz", author Waltraud Neuwirth.

In the old times French line (Parisian line) was used when measuring beads and small glass components, and 1 inch=12lines. In different countries it was calculated into millimeters differently: 1 Parisian line = 2,2558mm, 1 Rhine line = 2,179mm, 1 Viennese line = 2,195, 1 English or Russian line = 2,116mm (Neuwirth 2011:24). Most of my Prosser bead boxes have 00, one bundle has 000 and one package 8 (that looks bit like 3, I'm not sure). So it turns out that those nulls on my Prosser bead labels are actually Kernel numbers that are connected to the so-called line measurements mentioned by Neuwirth. In the book there is a table with Kernel numbers, lines and corresponding millimeters when calculated Parisian lines (Neuwirth 2011:28). So I took it as reference and checked my beads.

The sample cards below have measurements in Parisian lines and if I compare with the correspondent millimeters from the table, the results are exact. Or as exact I can see with my ruler that has1mm accuracy.

Not so easy with Prosser beads though. Some of my nr 00 sized Prosser beads are measuring a bit more, others a lot more. Table says that size 00 should be 3,94mm, my beads are more like 4-5mm. Sized 000 should be 3,34mm, but are 3-3,8mm. Sized 8 should be 9mm, but are 7,5-8,1mm. But Prosser beads are not uniform in size, some are bigger, other smaller. Comparing same size (00) beads it seems that Czechoslovakian beads are bit bigger than French Prosser beads.

Klaashelmeste ajalugu
Antique sample card with glass sew-on stones, all with foiling
and frosted surface. On the left there are size in Parisian line
and right are color numbers.
klaashelmeste ajalugu
French sample card with jet nailhead beads, article number
on top sizing on left. T
hese actually look like they have been
faceted by hand not molded, because
the corners
of facets don't always align and the surface of the facet 
has slight lines from grinding.
klaashelmeste ajalugu
 Sample card with no-hole molded glass buttons in light and dark
amber color. Same logo at top left corner suggests the same
distributor like the first card components. Glass seems to be
molded with different top and bottom part molds and has
wire attached. Sample card has long wood pieces behind and
 wire of each button goes through the card into the wood.

klaashelmeste ajalugu
Antique faceted glass beads from Czechoslovakia. I didn't received
the package full 
so I don't know what numbers stands for the amount.
But 3 1/2 means the size  for 7,8mm as according Parisian lines.
klaashelmeste ajalugu
Selection of French (Briare) Prosser beads with no sizing.
I have them
loose in boxes or cloth bags and some strung
into long strings or interesting hanks.
klaashelmeste ajalugu
French Briare Prosser beads in cardboard box:
color 950, size nr 00 and amount 5000 pcs
klaashelmeste ajalugu
 Remnants of a big bundle of French Prosser beads.
Beads are strung into long strings. According to the tag
color is 3774, size 000 and original amount 25 000 pcs.
Redlhammer Brothers klaashelmeste ajalugu
Original packages of Prosser beads from
Redlhammer Brothers, Czechoslovakia.
Both are with round beads article 3362 and in color 891.
Box has size 00 and amount of 5000 ("5 Mille") loose beads.
Wrapped package has size 8 (looks a bit like 3?) and amount
1000 pcs on string (10 strings, each with 100 beads, "1 Mille").
klaashelmeste ajalugu
Comparison of black French and milky Czechoslovakian
Prosser beads. Both beads came from original boxes
labeled with size 00. 
But as you can see, the milky ones are bit bigger.

Kui veab, saan helmeid nende originaal pakendites ja seetõttu puutun kokku mulle veidi imelikena tunduvate numbritega. Et mis mõttes on suurus 3 1/2? Helmes ise oli umbes 7mm? Nii et see ei saa olla ei meetrisüsteemis ja tollidega ei suutnud ma seda samuti siduda. Või suurus nagu 00?

Appi tuli üks tark raamat. Pealkirjaks "Beads from Gablonz", autor Waltraud Neuwirth.

French line (Parisian line) on mõõtühik, mis oli seotud tolliga nii, et 1 toll =12 lines. Erinevates riikides oli selle vastavus millimeetritega erinev (ma ei hakka ingliskeelest tõlkima): 1 Parisian line = 2,2558mm, 1 Rhine line = 2,179mm, 1 Viennese line = 2,195, 1 English või Russian line = 2,116mm (Neuwirth 2011:24). Enamus minu Prosser helmeste karpidel on suurus 00, ühel helmeste puntral oli silt 000 ja ühel pakil 3 (mis paistab nagu 8). Tuleb välja, et need nullid, mida just Prosser helmeste juures näha, on osa nn Kernel'i numbrite süsteemist, mis on omakorda  seotud ülaltoodud line suurustega. Raamatus on ära toodud tabel, kus Kernel'i number on viidud vastavusse Parisian line ja millimeetritega (Neuwirth 2011:28). 

Näiteks ülal toodud näidiskaaartidel ongi suurusteks Parisian lines ja kui võrrelda tabeli järgi suurust millimeetrites, siis oli vastavus täpne. Või nii täpne, kui minu silm seletas 1mm täpsusega joonlaua järgi.

Nii lihtne pole aga Prosser helmestega. Osad nr 00 suuruses Prosser helmed olid natuke suuremad, osad rohkem. Tabeli järgi peaks nr 00 olema 3,94mm, mul olid 4-5mm. Suurus 000 peaks olema 3,34mm, aga mul on 3-3,8mm. Suurus 8 vastavalt 9mm, aga minul on 7,5-8,1mm. Prosser helmed on enamjaolt suuruse koha pealt ebaregulaarsed, et ühe suuruse all on nii väiksemaid kui ka suuremaid. Üldiselt tundub, et Prosser helmed on reeglina suuremad, kui tabelis ja Tšehhoslovakkia helmed omakorda Prantsuse helmestest suuremad.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Swarovski Oval Crystals in Rhinestone Brooches

On the first photo there are my recently bought Swarovski oval shaped crystals. The colors here are: Tanzanite, Burgundy, Crysolite, Light Topaz and Rose.

In addition to Swarovskis I added vintage handmade rice-shaped glass pearls from Japan and round vintage or antique beads (Prosser, pressed round, English cut or nailhead beads). And tiny little new pearls that in one case are with dyed jade beads.

There are five different color combinations at the time and the size of these brooches are smaller than previous brooches - these are 25mm in diameter! All brooches have signature plate that is smaller than I usually use, for the usual sized cartouche would've been too big.

Beading supplies Jewelry
Swarovski oval rhinestones article 4120

crystal rhinestone jewelry by mdmButiik Estonia
Rhinestone brooches with Swarovski crystals

Estonia designer Jewelry
Pink handmade rhinestone brooch with vintage Czechoslovakia glass beads

designer jewelry signed Estonia
Back of the brooch featuring secure pin clasp and signature plate

handmade designer jewelry by mdmButiik
These brooches are small only 25mm in diameter!

Esimesel pildil on näha hiljuti ostetud Swarovski ovaalse kujuga kristallid. Siin on värvid: Tanzanite, Burgundy, Crysolite, Light Topaz ja Rose.

Swarovskitele lisaks panin prossi käsitsi tehtud riisikujulised klaaspärlid Jaapanist ja ümmargused vintage või antiiksed helmed (Prosser, pressitud ümarad, English cut või nailhead-helmed). Ja tillukesed uued pärlid, mis ühel juhul on koos värvitud jadeiidist helmestega.

Hetkel on siin viis erinevat värvikombinatsiooni ja nende suurus on veel väiksem kui eelmistel prossidel - need on 25mm diameetriga! Kõikidel prossidel on signatuuriga plaadike, mis on tavalisest väiksem, kuna tavalise suurusega plaat lihtsalt poleks sobinud.