Friday, May 29, 2015

Pearl and Rhinestone Bridal Hair Jewelry

Sweetest and delicate set of decorative hair comb and a hair pin! I made them from beaded wire branches and pearl circles with crystals. I love the way antique copper metal creates a contrast with pale pearls! Perfect for bridal occasions, why not a vintage style wedding?

pearl crystal rhinestone bead copper clip decorative comb
 This set has same kind of hand wrapped "branches" from pearls and beads and circle motifs.

hair brooch haarbrosche bijoux mariage
 In the center of pearl circle there is a Czech crystal rhinestone.

mdmButiik bridal jewelry Estonian jewelry Eesti pruudi ehted
Hair clip or bobby pin is really easy to use!

Armas ja üliõrn komplekt juukse kammist ja lõksust! Ma valmistasin need helmestest traat "oksadest" ja ümmargusest motiividest kristalliga keskel. Mulle meeldib kontrast, mis tekib antiikvase ja heleda pärli vahel! Ideaalne pruudile, miks mitte vintage stiilis pulmades?

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Pink Bracelet Cuffs

I made a pair of bracelet cuffs with vintage pink beads. These are somewhat quartz-lookin glass with different shades of swirls. Oh, and ofcourse with little dimples on the baroque surface! Just lovely! The center plates are flooded with beads, pearls and Swarovski crystals! I used old vintage hollow pearls from previous post and a little sew-on glass bead that has two holes.  One cuff is all pink and sweet, other has some extra colors to make it even more yummi.

Miriam Haskell style jewelry Original by Robert Stanley Hagler Eugene costume jewelry
 I made these two bracelet cuffs at the same time.

bijoux romantique strass bijoux rose couleur pastel bracelet manchette perles
 I added sapphire blue, green and yellow opal glass beads to pink.

romantische Schmuck Strass-Schmuck pink Pastellfarben Armband Manschette Perlen
This all pink bracelet cuff is on Etsy.

Tegin paar käevõru vintage roosade helmestega. Need näevad natuke nagu kvartsi-moodi välja, klaas on siiruviiruline erinevates toonides. Ja loomulikult need väikesed lohukesed! Lihtsalt armastusväärne! Käevõrude plaadid on helmestest, pärlitest ja Swarovski kristallidest üle-ujutatud! Kasutasin vanu õõnsaid/puhutud klaaspärleid eelmisest postitusest ning väikeseid klaasist õmmeldavaid helmeid. Üks võru on üleni magus-roosa, teisel on lisaks maitsvaid värve.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Handmade Blown Hollow Baroque Pearls

Now these beads are interesting indeed! These are blown from glass tube and made into a flat back and baroque top beads. These are hollow and colored from inside with the pearlescent color. This is why these pearls don't peel or lose their pearlescent color as quickly as pearl coated beads! These baroque glass pearls are all a bit different but have distinctive pattern.
I first thought these were from plastic material because of unbelievable light weight, so I made a hot needle test. These are glass indeed. My vendor told me that these beads came from a shop that was in business in the 1920s Germany. I searched from the internet and found some gorgeous garments that have very similar beads. Take a look.

vintage jewelry supplies
 Hollow glass pearls have thin walls and covered with pearlescent paint from inside.

 I have different hollow pearls. Baroque pearls have distinctive pattern of 
raised diameter with two dimples.

1920s women fashion evening dress
 Circa 1923 Evening dress by Jean Patou, embroidered with beads, rhinestones and faux pearls. 
Via Bunka Costume Museum in Japan (photo from: Pinterest). Here you can see the baroque pearls and smooth pearls among hollow silver-lined beads that are sometimes called mercury beads.

1920s fashion flapper style
 Natalie Kingston, 1927, in classic flapper attire (Photo from web).
Lovely sheer dress with baroque pearls.

Vot need helmed on põnevad! Need on puhutud kuumast klaastorust ning vormitud lameda põhja ja nö barokse pinnaga helmesteks. Need on seest tühjad ning kaetud pärlmutrise värviga seestpoolt. Klaashelmed on kõik pisut erinevad, kuid kõigil on silmatorkavalt omapärane muster - üle helme on piklik kõrgendus, millel on kaks lohku.
Alguses ma arvasin, et tegu on plastikust pärlitega, sest need on uskumatult kerged ja tegin neile nö kuuma nõela testi. Helmed on klaasist. Müüja sõnul on need pärit poest, mis tegutses Saksamaal 1920ndatel aastatel. Otsisin internetist põnevaid riideesemeid, kus on äratuntavalt näha sarnased pärlid.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sweet Pink Brooch with Vintage Pearls and Nailhead Beads

It took awhile until I came up with an idea for these vintage pink beads. I added some bronze metallic colored seed-beads and of-course, Swarovski crystals. The brooch has a round shape, the outer circle has unique leaf-shaped nailhead-beads with round pearls and Swarovski crystal rhinestones while the inner circle has thin rice-shaped peads that create a delicate flower. There are a row of small pearl dangles that add movement. This brooch can also be worn as a pendant.

Vintage glass beads in sweet pink color: coated glass pearls and nailhead beads.

fait à la main bijoux Estonie mdmButiik mariage
 I used rare leaf-shaped nailhead beads that were probably made in Czechoslovakia.

schmuck vintage Estland mdmButiik designer-schmuck brosche
 Small vintage (1980s) Swarovski crystal glass rhinestones sparkle!

handmade jewelry Europe Estonia mdmButiik designer handicraft
A long row of glass pearl dangles at the bottom of the brooch add movements.

Võttis aega, mis võttis, aga lõpuks tuli idee, mida nende vintage helmestega teha. Ma lisasin pronksivärvi seemnehelmeid ning loomulikult Swarovski kristalle. Pross on ümmarguse kujuga, välisringis on haruldase lehekujuga "nailhead"-helmed ümmarguste pärlite ja Swarovski kristalliklaasist ehtekividega, siseringis moodustavad peenikesed riisikujulised pärlid õrna lille. Prossil on rivi väikesed pärli-ripatseid, mis lisab liikumist. Seda prossi saab kanda ka ripatsina.