Saturday, January 30, 2016

Antique Glass Sew-On Components

Sew-on beads can mean many kind of beads (e.g. beads that were sewn). I'm looking more closely to those sew-on beads with pierced holes and leave nailhead beads for later. Garment industry used these kind of glass stones before plastic sequins/paillettes. They were as thin as possible with hole or holes for sewing.

Since there's nothing new under the sun, it is very common nowadays to see similar acrylic stones and also many crystal manufacturers (incl Swarovski and Preciosa) have crystal glass sew-on stones in renewing assortment. Crystal glass sew-on beads are often used in sought after haute couture gowns and dresses.

vintage style jewelry rhinestone jewelry
My stash of antique sew-on beads in various colors, shapes
and sizes. Most of these came from a antique shop from Germany.

antique fashion clothing vintage style
Edwardian pink velvet opera coat with lamé lace and sew-on
beads in pink and crystal s from 21stCenturyVamp.

Antique salesman sample card of sew-on beads with frosted finish.

Gorgeous peacock colored gown from Tear-shaped,
hexagonal, square and small round sew-on beads in several colors.

vintage glass
All of these sew-on beads have two holes and goldfoiling.
Pressed from glass using a mold that gave "rose cut" facets.
Some of the beads have been additionally polished.
"Sew-on" helmestel on laiem mõiste, kui antud postituses toodud näidetel. See tähendabki üldistatult helmeid, mida õmmeldakse. Siinkohal vaatlen lähemalt helmeid, millel on augud ning nn "nailhead" helmed jätan hilisemaks. Rõivatööstus kasutas selliseid klaasist lapikuid helmed enne plastmassi võidukäiku, mis tõi kirjeldamatult suure valiku litreid. 

Selliseid aukudega õmmeldavaid helmeid toodetakse ka tänapäeval. Tihti on neid näha akrüülist, aga ka suuremad kristallklaasi tootjad (k.a Swarovski ja Preciosa) valmistavad siiamaani õmmeldavaid kive oma üha uuenevas valikus. Kristallklaasist kivikesi kasutatakse tihtilugu ihaldatud kõrgmoe rõivastes.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Start of New Jewellery Collection

Hello, inspiration! It's time for next jewellery collection and it brings a lot of excitement. In every collection there's a trigger item - material or previously made jewellery piece. Just like in this case.

This new jewellery collection was triggered by dark brown rhinestone earrings. The materials used in the earrings with dark colors and shiny surfaces have this depth that continues to inspire me. I'm picturing a delicious dark chocolate cake, multi-layered, embellished with pretty chocolate scrolls and placed seductively on a vintage plate... 
So here it goes - let the beading begun!

beginning of new jewellery collection
Here's a picture of materials used. Vintage oval
Swarovski rhinestones in Topaz color,
small vintage bronze seed beads from Japan,
new Czech cut and firepolished bronze beads and
antique French Prosser beads.
Teretulemast, inspiratsioon! Aeg on järgmiseks ehtekollektsiooniks, mis toob kindlasti palju põnevust. Igal kollektsioonil on tavaliselt miski, mis paneb asjad liikuma - kas siis mõni põnev materjal või varemvalminud ehet. Täpselt nii ka seekord.

Selle uue ehtekollektsiooni lükkas käima tumepruuniga kõrvarõngad. Kõrvarõngastes kasutatud materjalide tumedad värvid oma läikiva pinnaga on jätkuvalt inspireerivad. Kujutan ette maitsvat tumedat šokolaadikooki, mitmekihilist, kaunistatud šokolaadi rullikestega ning asetatud isuäratavalt vintage taldrikule...
Nii et - las helmetööd alaku!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Custom Made Hair Accessories

The inspiration to this custom made hair clip came from those gorgeous antique gowns made of sheer lace with intricate embellishments of tiny glass beads. Most of the beads are actually from the same period of time the dresses that inspired me - 1880-1930s.

Black glass beads have surface finish in different colors like blue, green and hematite. So even though the color scheme is dark the beads create a playful and sparkly look that catches the eye!

hair clip accessories fashion
Hair clip with old nailhead beads and copper plated filigrees.
These vintage and new beads have different finishes:
hematite, green and blue.
This hair clip is quite wide and it allowed me to add many
beaded motifs on the copper filigree plate
that looks like a piece of lace.
Selle tellimustööna valminud juukseklambri inspiratsiooniks said need antiiksed romantilised vanad kleidid, mis on valmistatud õhkõrnast pitsist ning kaetud tillukeste klaashelmestega. Enamik siin kasutatud helmestest ongi pärit samast ajast - 1880-1930ndatest.

Mustast klaasist helmestel on erinevat tooni viimistlus nagu metallik sinine, roheline ja hematiit.  Nii et, hoolimata tumadast värvigammast tekitavad helmed rõõmsa ja sädeleva kaunistuse, mis torkab silma!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Finishing Touches to Acrostic Rhinestone Bracelets

To make this rhinestone bracelet as a perfect gift I'm adding a cute little folded info with each of them. There are different messages like: Adore, Regards and Dearest. And since every message could use different colored stones I need a selection of info that is according.

The folded info is attached with thread and the rhinestone bracelets come in beautiful mdmButiik boxes. Voila!
This and other bracelets are available at mdmButiik Etsy!

Valentine's Day gift ideas gifts for her

Valentine's Day gifts gift ideas

Valentine's Day gifts romantic rhinestone bracelet crystal jewelry

Et see ehtekividega käevõrule oleks ideaalne kingitus siis ma lisan igale ühele infoga voldiku. Käevõrudel saab olla erinevaid sõnumeid ja igal sõnumil omakorda erinevat värvivarianti. Sellepärast on vaja igale sõnumile oma voldikut.

Voldik on kinnitatud käevõru külge valge niidiga ning käevõrud lähevad omakorda mdmButiik valgesse karbikesesse. Voila!
See käevõru koos teistega on saadaval mdmButiik Etsy poes!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Work in Progress: Rhinestone Bracelet

I've started the preparations for this years Valentines Day. Romantic bracelets that are inspired by Victorian acrostic jewelry where every stone name gave a letter to spell a word. This is jewelry with a message and would be such a great gift ;)

This one here spells a word - DEAREST, and combines glass rhinestones in colors: diamond, emerald, amethyst, ruby, emerald, sapphire and topaz. Little white beads are antique French Prosser beads that are strung on memory wire that holds its shape.

The acrostic bracelets will go to Krunnipea and Muusa shops but are also available in Etsy mdmButiik and DaWanda mdmButiik shops.

vintage style rhinestone jewelry
Vintage glass rhinestones are set into four prong settings.
Antique French Prosser beads in glossy white color.
vintage style rhinestone jewelry gift ideas
Valentines Day gift - romantic rhinestone bracelet that
spells a word - Dearest - as in Victorian era.
Alustasin selle aasta valentinipäeva ettevalmistustega. Romantilised käevõrud, mis on inspireeritud Viktooria ajastu sümboolsetest ehetest, kus iga ehtekivi andis tähe, millest sai kokku lugeda sõna. Sõnumiga ehted on parim kingitus ;)

See käevõru siin loeb kokku sõna DEAREST, mis tuleneb kivikeste ingliskeelsetest nimetustest: diamond, emerald, amethyst, ruby, emerald, sapphire ja topaz. Väiksed valged helmed on antiiksed prantsuse Prosser helmed, mis on lükitud eelpainutatud traadile, mis hoiab oma kuju.

Uued käevõrud lähevad Krunnipea ja Muusa poodidesse, aga on saadaval ka Etsy mdmButiik ja DaWanda mdmButiik poodides.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Fairytale Tiara

Fairytale tiara for you who loves nature, reading books and living in mystical worlds. This tiara has ribbons on both ends, so it can easily be worn and comes in a pretty white box to store in. This fairytale tiara is available in Etsy mdmButiik shop.

hair accessories fashion halo crown hair vines bridal wedding mariage braut hochzeit
Fairytal tiara worn by beautiful model.
Photo Terje Taltsi looming
haute couture women fashion hair accessories hair dress
This fairytale tiara has ribbons on both
ends so it's easy to wear
Close up of the tiara with all the antique and vintage
beads and glass leaves.
Muinasjutu tiaara sulle, kellele meeldib loodus, raamatute lugemine ja väljamõeldud müstilised maailmad. Sellel tiaaral on otstes sidumiseks lindid, mis teevad kandmise lihtsaks ning tuleb koos ilusa valge karbiga, milles seda vahepeal hoida. See tiaara on saadaval Etsy mdmButiik poes.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Vintage Style Tiara with Beaded Branches in Progress

I've previously shown variations of wedding jewelry, including bridal tiara. Now, here's a tiara that can be used in wedding but doesn't necessarily have that theme. It's a tiara that is inspired by nature and magic.
Imagine a time before sunrise. In a forest that is wrapped with veils of mist. All the trees and leaves look almost unearthly with imagination running wild. Eyes trying to capture mystical creatures of the forest. Fairies, elves, ghosts...

Antique Prosser beads in beautiful purple color.
From France, Briare.

Flower branches from very tiny (under 1mm) seed beads.

Beaded branches with silver lined seed beads
and vintage glass leaves.

Vintage grey pearls wrapped into branches
and covered with wax tape.

Näitasin varem pulmaehteid, koos pruudi pärjaga/tiaaraga. Nüüd tuleb siit tiaara, mida võib kasutada pruudiehtena, kuid mille kandmine ei pea piirduma pulmadega. See on inspireeritud loodusest ja muinasjutust.
Kujuta ette udulooridesse mässitud metsa, hetk enne päikesetõusu. Kõik puud-lehed tunduvad ebamaised ning kujutlusvõime paneb need elama. Silm üritab näha müstilisi olendeid. Haldjad, vaimud...