Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Color of the month: Grey February

Veebruarikuu värviks valisin halli. Ei tea miks, aga see kuu tõi palju muret ja jama, mis mõnedel puhkudel pole siiani lahenduse saanud... Kui murel oleks värv, siis oleks see minu arvates ikka hall.
Hall on tegelikult üks ilus värv (ärgem puudutagem värviteooriaid, mille kohaselt akromaatiline hall pole värv, eks?), tal võib olla tohutult palju erinevaid varjundeid, ta võib olla nii soe, kui külm...

So I chose grey for February. I don't know why, but this month has brought so much worry and trouble that in some cases haven't found their conclusion yet... If worry would have a colour, it would be in my opinion grey.
Grey is a beautiful color though, (lets not think about those colour-theories that claim achromatic grey not to be a colour, right), it can have so many variations and it can be warm or cold...

Project Spectrum: Red February vol2

Siin on nüüd see kee, mida alustasin pärast tulutuid medaljoni otsinguid.

Mooniõit meenutav lilleke koosneb hõbedase sisuga punastest seemnehelmestest (Colibry, Hiina), lille südamiku tegin erineva kuju ja suurusega vaskhelmestest. Lillel on viis erineva suurusega kroonlehte, mis on veidi kumera kujuga. Veel lisasin klaasist lehekesi. Lill koos lehtedega moodustab ripatsi, mis ülejäänud ketiga on ühendatud kahe karabiinhaagiga. Kett on 76cm pikk (vt esimene pilt), aga kui kett panna topelt, saab lühema variandi 41cm (vt teise rea pilte). Nii jääb kandjal vähemalt kaks erinevat viisi, kuidas keed kanda. Kõik komponendid on kas vasest või vaskse viimistlusega.

Kuidagi väga raske oli seda keed täies ilus pildile saada, no kohe mitte ei õnnestu :( Kui ilm on pisut heledam, siis proovin uuesti pildistada.

Now this is the necklace I started when I lost my hope on finding the medallion.

Poppy-like flower is made from silverlined red seedbeads ("Colibry", China), the center consists of shiny copper beads in different sizes and shapes. The flower has five peatals in different sizes that are a bit curvy. I added some glass leaveshaped beads on the sides. The flower and leaves assemble a pendant that is attached to the chain with two clasps. Chain is 76cm long (look at the first picture), but when you put the chain touble you'd get a shorter version 41cm (look at the pictures on the second row). So there is at least two different ways to wear it. All components are from copper or copper plated.

The pictures didn't come out right, I couldn't gapture the whole essence of this necklace :( When there's a brighter day, I'll try to photograph again.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Project Spectrum: Red February vol1

Kas pole tüütu, kui ei saa keed valmis, kuna ei suuda leida vajaminevat jubinat?! See kaelakee oli poolik juba jaanuarist, aga ma ei suutnud leida seda medaljoni... Kuna kuu hakkab juba lõppema, lõin käega ning alustasin uue asjaga. Ja loomulikult siis, kui olin peaaegu uue asja valmis teinud, tuli too medaljon välja! Seekord tuleb mul siis kaks punast veebruarukuu ehet :)

Kee on parajalt punane ja romantiline. Sügavpunased klaashelmed ja vaskse viimistlusega traat. Medaljon on oksüdeerunud ajaga. Sain selle ja teise samasuguse kunagi "1 dollari" poest (second hand), kõrvarõngaste kujul. Helmeste ketile kinnitamine võttis omajagu aega, sest neid on päris palju :)

Isn't it annoying when you can't finish a piece because you just can't find the finding you need?! I started making this necklace in January and couldn't finish it, because I didn't know where I hide the medallion... Since the month is ending I gave up with my search and started with a new necklace. And ofcourse then, when I nearly finished the second one here comes out the medallion because it was right in front of me all the time (stashed away in a little box). So this time I'll have two projects for February :)

This necklace is quite red and romantic. Deep red glass beads and antiqued copper plated wire. The medallion has a genuine plating - it came through the time. I got this one and another like this from "1 dollar" shop (second hand), as a pair of
earrings. Attaching beads to the chain took awhile cause there's so many of them :)


See kee on kingitus mu emale. Ripatsis ilutseb üks uskumatult armas helmes - ametüsti värvi mõraline helmes, mis on pisut lapiku kujuga ning lihvitud! Jah, lihvitud. Esimene taoline helmes, mis minu näppude vahele on sattunud! Lihvitud pinnad pole täiesti siledad kuna klaasis peenikesed mõrad, aga sellest hoolimata ma ikkagi imetlen :)

Helmest allpoole lisasin ümaraid klaashelmeid, MC helmeid, ehtsaid swarovskeid, hõbedatooni võtme, kaunistatud plaadikese, lillekese jms. Kett on parajalt pikk - 68cm! Ripats on eemaldatav. Kee pole müügiks.

This is a gift for my mother. There is an unbelievably pretty bead in the pendant - amethyst-colored crackled bead, slightly in shape of rondelle and faceted! Yes, faceted. First of it's kind I managed to get my hands on! The faceted surfaces are not flawless because there are small cracks in the glass, but nevertheless I can't stop marveling the beauty :)

I made the fringe using round glass beads, MC beads, genuine swarovskies, silvercolored findings like a key, stamped filligree, flower and some others. The chain is long - 68cm! The pendant is removable. This necklace is not for sale.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Frosted Green

Need suured rohelised, lihvitud ja mati viimistlusega klaashelmed sain ühest helmeste segust. Lihvitud helmestelt oodatakse ikka läikimist, matt klaas seda ju ei tee ning ma pole päris kindel, miks on üldse lihvitud klaasi vaja matistada... Väga omapärane on taolised helmed küll, kuid pigem suuremad, kuna seal on tahud paremni näha kui väiksematel sellistel helmestel.

Need suured rohelised helmed raamisin traadi ja kandilise augu ning hõbedase sisuga seemnehelmestega, et matile pinnale lisada natuke sära. Valisin hõbedase kandilise auguga seemnehelmed kuna need peegeldavad valgust vastavalt sisemistele tahkudele ning jätavad sarnase mulje lihvitud helmestega (sädelevad). Ümara auguga ja hõbedase sisuga seemnehelmed aga jätavad mulje nagu oleksid läbipaistvad helmed lükitud läikivale traadile.

Jätkuks riputasin matid rombid, läbipaistvad lehekesed ning kahte sorti (hõbetatud sisu ja kandilise auguga ja matte) seemnehelmeid. Traat ja komponendid on kullavärvi viimistlusega messing.

I got those big faceted and frosted (matt) green beads from a bead mix once. I suppose one expects faceted beads to sparkle, frosted glass doesn't do that so I'm not sure why exactly do they make faceted frosted beads... I quess this finishing type makes faceted beads unconventional. It works better with bigger beads, because you can't really notice the faceting when frosted beads are small.

I framed those big green beads with wire and seedbeads with silverlined square holes to give some sparkle to the matt surface. I choose silverlined beads with square hole because they reflect light as faceted beads compared to silverline round hole. Silverlined seedbeads with round hole have an expression like transparent beads are strung on shiny wire (they shine but do not sparkle).

I ended those earrings with frosted bicones, transparent leaves and two types of seedbeads (frosted and silverlined with square hole). I used brass wire and components with gold colored plating.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Silver and Iolite Dragonfly

Sellised tillukesed hõbedast Hill Tribe tiivad on mul olnud pea aasta. Ootasid oma õiget hetke. Idee teha kiili sain soomlaste Helmetti foorumist. Kiili pea on lihvitud ioliidi rattakesest, saba aga hõbehelmestest. Kõik helmed on ioliidist: lihvitud rattakesed, lapikud ovaalid, lihvitud ovaalid ning ümarad 4mm. Ioliit on sellist öösinist tooni, mis kollases lambivalguses muutub peaaegu et halliks. Arvan, et konksude asemel sobiks paremini kõrvarõnga pulk-kinnised, sest kõrvarõngad on päris pikad (6,5cm ilma konksuta). Konksud muudavad kõrvarõngad visuaalselt veelgi pikemaks... Kui kunagi hõbedased pulk-kinnised kusagilt saan, siis vahetan ära.

I've had those tiny Thai Hill Tribe silver wings for almost a year. Suppose they were waiting for their moment. I got the idea to make a dragonfly like this from finnish Helmetti forum. Head of the dragonfly is from the iolite faceted rondelle, tail is from silver beads. All beads are from iolite: faceted rondelles, flat ovals, faceted ovals and 4mm rounds. Iolite is in the color of night blue that in yellow light turns almost grey. I think that post-earrings would be better than hooks, because earrings are quite long (6,5cm). Hooks make them look visually longer... When I get my hands on post-earrings I'll make the change.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's a button?!

Jah, kui ma alustasin, polnud mul mõtteski valmistada nööpi. Pigem mõtlesin, et võiks leiutada mingeid uusi nippe, kuidas swarovski flat back'e kasutada näiteks linkide tegemisel.

Aga nööp tuli, ja täitsa uhke nööp! Nööbi diameeter on 16mm, nii et polegi kõige suurem. Siin on siis kokku pandud swarovski kivid (crystal, opal), sinaka metalse viimistlusega lihvitud klaashelmed, ümarad vaskse viimistlusega klaashelmed, vaskhelmed ja seemnehelmed ning üks helmekübar samuti. Kõik kokku põimitud vaskse traadiga.

Igaljuhul on selline "nunnu" tulemus rõõmustav. Nööp on täitsa tugev, nii et peaks vastu pidama ka praktikas. Muidugi nüüd tuleks mõelda, kuhu selline ilutsev asjake üldse sobiks...

Well, when I started with this, the button was definately the outcome I was not thinking of. I was thinking more of figuring out how to use swarovski flat backs perhaps to form a sort of a link.

But it's definately a button and quite prissy to be honest! The diameter of the button is 16mm so it's not too big. Besides the swarovski stones (crystal, opal) here are some blue fire polished glass bead with metallic finish, round crystal glass beads with copper finish, copper beads seedbeads and a bead cap too. All assembled with copper wire.

I'm quite delighted about thatkind of a "cute" outcome. The button is sturdy and should do well in practice. Ofcourse now there's to think about where such a pretty thing would fit...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Necklace of Spring

Must nagu muld ning õrnrohelised taimekesed, mis oma ninad välja pistavad :)
Must oonüks, peridoot, granaat ning vask. Kaks sellist lapikut oonüksit ostsin juba ammu, kuid ei osanud nendega mitte kui midagi ette võtta... Mõtlesin, et kogun seda kivi veel, küll siis tulevad ka ideed.

Lapik suur oonüks on 30x20mm suur, kaks lihvitud oonüksi kamakat külgedel on umbes 25x15mm, veel on siin kaelakees ümaraid oonükshelmeid suurustes 8mm, 6mm, 4mm ja 2mm. Peridoote on ka üksjagu - on tillukesi rattaid (2x3mm), 4mm ümaraid, 6x4mm lapikuid ovaale ning lihvitud ovaale. Granaatidest on siin kaks lihvitud ovaali ning erikujulisi nn kilde. Vaskhelmeid on siin ka, on ümaraid suurustes 2mm ja 4 mm ning riisikujulisi, daisy'sid ja rattakesi.

Olen rahul sellega, kuidas suur lapik oonüks istub oma raamis ning et suutsin lihvitud kamakad oma raamidesse kinnitada nii, et need ei hakka seal pöörlema. Millegipärast pole ma suutnud saavutada selle ripatsi raami puhul (helmerida lapiku oonüksi ümber) täielikku sümmeetriat... Helmeid on mõlemal pool võrdselt, kõik numbriliselt nagu klapiks, aga tulemus pole sümmeetriline. Eks ma pean veel harjutama :)

Black earth and delicate green plants that start to grow :)
Black onyx, peridot, garnet and copper. Two of those flat ovals I bought a long time ago, didn't know what to do with them at that time... I thought I'll buy more onyx beads and the ideas will come.

Big flat onyx oval measures 30x20mm, two giant faceted nuggets on the sides are appr. 25x15mm, then there are round beads in sizes 8mm, 6mm, 4mm and 2mm. Peridots in shape of mini rondelle (2x3mm), 4mm rounds, 6x4mm flat ovals and faceted ovals. There are two faceted oval garnets and some garnet chips. Also some copper beads 2mm and 4mm rounds, rice shaped beads, daisies and heishi's.

I'm quite pleased with the way the centerpice sits in the frame and that those faceted nuggets will not start to spin. I still didn't manage to make the centerpiece frame so it would be symmetrical... The number of beads are the same and both sides should be the same, but the outcome is still asymmetrical. I guess I should practice more :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Head sõbrapäeva kõigile!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dreaming of spring: swaros and lots of bling-bling :)

Mnjaa, kes pole veel kevadest unistanud? Nüüd ju viimane aeg :)
Kuigi mul on hõbetraati täiesti olemas ja julges koguses, ei suuda ma kuidagi veel vasest lahti lasta. Egas midagi, mis sellest siis ikka... Ja ikka hämmastav on küll, et ehetemaailm on nii mitmekesine ja huvitav, et alati leiab uuema suuna, mida uurida ja proovida.

Pikemat aega mõtlesin nende swarovski kivide peale. Valmis komponendid on tihtilugu krõbeda hinnaga nii et soovisin vajalikke osi. Oot, see pole praegu üldse huvitav jutt...

Esitlen käeketti, kuhu paigutasin uued swarovski kivid (flat backs), vanad swarovski bicone ja südamekujulise ripatsi, MC klaashelmeid, roheline fooliumhelme ja antiiksed kunstpärlid (pärit vanast keest). Sekka erinevaid helmekübaraid ning kette. Värvidest leiab siin oliviini rohelist, ametüsti, sügavlillat, kristalli, opaali ja pärlmutrit. Ja jutu lõppu üks tohutult kulunud väljend - swarod on reaalsuses ikka palju rohkem sätendavad!

Well, who hasn't dreamt about spring lately? Now is the time :)
Alltough I have silver wire and quite some, I can't seem to get my hands off the copper. I guess it's fine, no worries... And I'm pretty amazed about the jewellery-world, that it is so wide and interesting, and there's always something new and interesting out there.

For some time now I've been thinking of the swarovski stones. Usually the components with finished settings are quite expensive so I needed different pieces to combine. Wait, that's nothing interesting...

Here I present a bracelet with my brand new swarovski stones (flat backs), old bicone shape swarovski beads and swarovski heart shaped pendant, MC glass beads, silverfolio green bead and vintage imitation pearls (from old necklace). Some bead caps and chain too. Colors are olivine, amethyst, deep violet, chrystal, opal and pearl. I end this post with one of the cliché - swaros spark so much more in real life!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Ametüst... Siin on kõrvarõngapaar, mille puhul olen kahevahel - kas teha ümber või mitte. Kasutasin siin 10mm pikkuseid lihvitud ametüstist ovaale ja 4x5mm lihvitud rattakesi, lihvitud kristallist rattakesi ning 4mm ümaraid pärlmutrist helmeid. Tillukesed 2mm ümarad vaskhelmed leidsid ka oma koha kõrvarõngastes.

Küsimärgi all ongi see osa, mis on ametüstist ovaali kohal. Nendele kristallist rattakestele ja pärlmutterhelmestele tegin mässitud aasad ja lükkisin koos ametüst ovaaliga samale traadile. Mõte oli küll neid panna sedasi pusasse, aga millegipärast vajuvad nad mõnikord ühele poole ning jäävadki sinna ega vaju tagasi nii, et neid jätkuks igale küljele. Üritan jälile saada võimalustest asja parandada ning annan siis teile teada...

I'm not sure about this pair of earrings - should I redo them or not. I used 10mm amethyst faceted ovals and 4x5mm amethyst faceted rondelles, faceted chrystal rondelles and 4mm round mother of pearl beads. There's also some tiny 2mm copper beads.

The fringe above the faceted amethyst oval is the part that bothers me. I made wrapped loops to those faceted chrystal rondelles and MOP beads and strung them with wire with the amethyst oval. In some reason sometimes the links with crystal rondelles and MOP beads fall to one side instead of being in every directions. I'm working on this problem and let you see the outcome...