Sunday, May 25, 2008

First two attempts of soldering

Need on minu esimesed katsetused tinutamises. Ma usun, et inimesed, kes on selles vallas kogenud, naeravad omal naba paigast, kui mu teksti loevad. Aga nuh, mis teha - spetsialisti pole mul kusagilt hetkel võtta, aga vat see tahtmine on ju suur :D Ma leidsin kodust vana jootekolbi (1rubla ja 20 kopikat) ja mõtlesin, et proovin ära. Oo õudu, see on parajalt keeruline. Kõige keerulisem on see, kuidas kõik vajalikud osakesed paigal hoida. Esimese kaelakee ringi tinutamine oli kerge - lihtsalt painutasin traadiotsad omavahel teineteise vastu. Aga nende pisikeste pesakestes kividega, oi-oi-oi, nägin ikka palju vaeva. Ega see tulemus nüüd väga kaunis ka pole.

See selleks... Teise katse puhul kinnitasin vajalikud jubinad plastiliini. Ja-jah, tean küll, et see sulab kergelt, aga ma polegi kunagi näinud keevat plastiliini :) Kui välja jätta hirmrasket tööd plastiliinilögast kivikeste puhastamist (hambaorgiga), siis täitis plastiliin oma eesmärgi. Tinutamine läks kergelt, kõik jubinad püsisid ilusasti paigal. Aga siis see riputamise koht... Tinutamise tööks on vaja mul lisa kätepaari. Muidu see teine ripats näeb eestpoolt täitsa kobe välja, kuid tagant poolt... See on ju puhasttõugu Frankenstein!!! Kaunitar ja koletis ühes eksemplaris :) See ripats läheb Värvispektri roosa mai alla.

These are my first two attempts of soldering. I'm sure people with a lot of experience in soldering will have a lot of laugh reading my text. But still, I don't have any specialists around to teatch and will to try is too big... I found an old soldering iron at home and wanted to give it a try. Oh well, it's so difficult. I don't know how to keep all the parts still - they're moving all around. The circle in the first necklace was good and easy - I bended the copper wire ends close to eatch other. But soldering those tiny cups with stones, aaarghhh...

Anyways... At the second attempt I fixed the parts in a plasticine. Yes I did know it melts, but I haven't seen it boiling before :) When I count out the really hard work of cleaning the pendant (with toothpick) from the sticky plasticine I could say it did its work. The pink stone and cupchain were still and soldering wasn't that hard. Except soldering the bail... I definately need an extra pair of hands. The second pendant looks ok in front, but the back side... it's a Frankenstein I tell you!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


See kassikene pole eilesündinud. On teine juba paar kuud vana, kuid fotole pääses alles nüüd. Aga pole hullu, oskabki paremini poseerida :)

Mustavärvi messingtraat ning Hiina (Colibry) seemnehelmed. Pikkust kassil 4,5cm. Pole õrna aimugi, mis tast edasi saab.

This kitten wasn't born yesterday, but couple of months ago. She made it to the photo session today. It's ok, now she's old enough to pose :)

Black colored brass wire and Chinese (Colibry) seedbeads. She's 4,5cm tall. I have no idea what to do with her.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

More Brooches

Veel prossidest. Esimene pross oli kuidagi liiga korralik... Tahtsin rohkem pusasid ja asju :D Siin on kolm prossi. Ikka nii, et keskel on isetehtud nööbike swarovski kividest ning klaashelmestest ning selle taustaks erinevad tekstiilid.

Esimene pross on ka vbl korralik - on olemas mingi sümmeetria. Tegelikult olin selle kivikestega nööbikese juba varem valmis teinud (enne kui prossidega alustasin), ning üritasin selle jaoks teha vastavat tausta tekstiilist. Nii läks sinna lillat ja musta pitsi, musta tülli, lillat linti ja organsat ning pisut rohelist siidi. Teine pross on just selline nagu tahtsin - mitte mingit piinlikku täpsuse taga ajamist ega kindlaid korrapäraseid sättimisi. Pruunid hõbesisuga seemnehelmed mängivad hästi kokku nööbi vasksete komponentide ja siidi pruunikate värvilaikudega. Viimasel real on üks roosakas pross kahel erineval taustal. Seal on pitsi, lillekirju kangast ning organsa linti. Ja-jaa, siin on roosad swarovski kivid, mis tähendab, et olen "tahtmatult" ikkagi neid juurde ostnud...

Üritan teha prossid võimalikult väikesed, et ikka reväärile vms ära mahuks. Need prossid on kõige laiemast kohast umbes 4cm. Lilla pross on müüdud.

I think the first brooch (Cherry Blossom) was too neat... I think I wanted more messy look and stuff :D As before I made little buttons with swarovski stones and glass beads and then sew a background with different textiles. Here you can see three brooches.

Well, perhaps the first one is still neat - you can see the symmetry. I have made the button before I even started with brooches and tried to make a background with all the colors. So there are black and violet lace, black tulle, violet ribbon and organza and also a little green silk. Second brooch is exactly as I wanted it to be - no fastidious neatness or anything like that. Brown silverlined seedbeads play well together with copper components in the button and with brown spots in silk. On the second row there is one brooch on different background. You can find lace, flowerpatterned cloth and organza. And yes, those are pink swarovski stones, and that means I couldn't resist and bought some more stones... Violet brooch is sold.

I try to make small brooches so they will fit on a collar or on a neckline. Those brooches are 4cm at the largest end.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Silver Heart with Turquoise&Chrystal

Kingitus emale sünnipäevaks. Selle hõbedast filigraan medaljoni tellisingi just selleks eesmärgiks. On selline pisut vallatu :) sedasi viltu. Väga raske oli seda keed teha... Milline tegumood valida... Millised helmed valida... Eks ma olen teda liialt ära hellitanud ehetega :) Lõpuks osutus kombinatsioon türkiisist, mageveepärlitest, kristallist ja hõbedast kõige paremaks. Siia läks täpselt kogu mu väikeste hõbedast daisy-vahehelmeste varu. Kee valmistasin kiirustades ema sünnipäeval lõuna paiku. Ma oleks täielikult hädas olnud, kui mul poleks olnud helmetööde alust! See muutis kaelakee disainimise lihtsamaks, kuna helmeid asetasin ringi rohkem kui üks kord, et leida kõige paremat variant. Emale meeldis tulemus :P

I bought this heart shaped silver filligree medallion to make a birthday gift for my mother. It's a bit frisky don't you think :) hanging tilted. This necklace was really hard for me to make... What style should I choose... What kind of beads... I'm afraid I've pampered her with way too much of jewellery all the time :) In the end I was convinced that combination of turquoise, chrystal, freshwater pearls and silver was the best way to go. All my daisy-spacers found a place here. I made this necklace in a hurry at midday of my mothers birthday. I would have been complitely lost if I wouldn't have had my beading board! It helped alot while disaining the necklace because I rearranged the beads more than once to find the best look. She liked the outcome :P

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cherry Blossom Brooch

Kirsid õitsevad praegu... Lihtsalt hingematvalt ilus aeg on see, kui kõikjal on õisi. Minu aias kasvavad küll valgete õitega kirsid, aga noh, mõtlesin, et teen kahvatu roosa rinnaehte. Kas seda võib nimetada prossiks? Mis iganes ta ka on, on see kokku õmmeldud. Kõige alguses ovaalse kujuga pressitud käsitöövilt, millele õmblesin tülli, pitsi, linte ning pärast nööbikujulise kivikestega detaili (mille tegin varem valmis) kinnitamist tikkisin veel helmeid juurde. Ja muidugi õmblesin taha ka kinnitusnõela.

Tegelikult on tegemist järjekordse võimalusega neid swarovski kivikesi kasutada :) Hakkan juba teid nendega tüütama? :D Kuid mina arvan, et pean VEEL leidma võimalusi! Inspiratsiooniallikaid oli mitu, nimekirja leiad postituse lõpust (aja jooksul lisandub sinna veel mõni). See pross on müüdud.

Cherry trees are in bloom now... It's absolutely breathtakingly beautiful when there're blossoms everywhere. In my garden cherry trees have white blossoms, but well, I decided to make something in pale pink. Do you call this a brooch or is there some word that suits better? Whatever it is, I sewed it. I started with felt cloth and sewed some tulle, lace, ribbon and then added the detail with the stones (that I've made previously) and then some more beads to frame it. I also sewed an attaching needle behind. This brooch is sold.

Actually it's just another way to use those swarovski stones I bought way back :) Do I annoy you with those already? :D But I think I need to figure out some MORE ideas! I found inspiration from many places:


Seedbead embroidery
Linca teeb ise
Regly hobinurk

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Wishful Thinking

Kunagi hõiskasin, et käsil kevad-suvi kollektsioon. Nujah, eelmisel aastal näed, õnnestus. Kuid tänavu kuidagi vajus ära. Oli nii palju ideid ja mõtteid, mida teostada... Siis said vajalikud komponendid otsa... Ja siis lihtsalt unustasin...

Ma planeerisin monokromaatiat ning samuti mitmeid värvikombinatsioone, kolme sorti käekette ning kolme sorti kaelakeesid, kõrvarõngaid ka omajagu. Vbl alustasin kõige aeganõudvatematest - need pikad kaelakeed, milles klaashelmed on moodustatud traadist keeratud mässitud aasadena (näiteks see valge/kristall toonides kuldset värvi keel on pikkust 126cm), võtsid ilmatu aja ja vaeva.

Aga nüüd vaatan pooleli jäänud tööd ja mõtlen, et ehkki seda ei saa nimetada kollektsiooniks, on siin päris armsaid ehtekesi :D Osad moodustuvad komplektid, osad on üksikud ning osad on veel lõpetamata...
PS Sain valmis aprillikuu värviga postituse.

I once told I'm in the middle of a spring-summer collection for this year. Well, I made a collection last year, but this time I couldn't do it. I had so many great ideas... And then I didn't have some necessary components... And then I just forgot...

I had planned monochromacy and some simple color combinations, at least three different sort of bracelets, three sorts of necklaces, also some earrings. Maybe I made a mistake when I started the whole thing by making those long necklaces where glass beads are made into a chain from links with wire wrapped loops (for example that white/chrystal necklace is 126cm long). It took a lot of time and wasn't too exciting to make.

But now looking at what I manage to complite, and I can see it's not a collection yet, but I found them quite nice :D Some are able to put together as a set, some are not and there are still some that needs to be finished...
PS I managed to finish the post of the color for the April.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

In the Middle

Ma ei ole ära unustanud kuuvärvi. Sellekohast postitust pole veel, kuna mul ei õnnestu pilte panna üksteise korvale. Kui aga on palju pilte ning kõik oleks ükshaaval teineteise all, siis oleks postituse pikkus ju lausa miilides :)

Selle helme tegemiseks leidsin õpetuse Mu blogist (millele viite leidsin Beadibulle'i blogist). Seal on päris mitmeid tasuta õpetusi, mine ja vaata! Mis mind aga selle helme juures köitis, oli ndebele/kalasaba stiilile iseloomulikud jooned. Ja mulle see ju meeldib! Kui vaatad õpetust lähemalt, siis näed ;)

Väikeseid muudatusi tegin ka. Nimelt tegin ülemise ja alumise poole erinevad - alumine on õpetuse järgi, ülemine omalooming. Omaloomingu tingis see, et mul jäi alumine helmes augu kohast liiga palju paistma. Õnneks mahub sinna täpselt see suur sinine helmes :D

I haven't forget about the color of the month. It's just that I have problems with putting pictures in a row next to each other. But when I have a post with many pictures that are all one picture per row, well, this post will be a mile long :)

I found a free tutorial for this beaded bead in Mu blog (found it through Beadibulle's blog). There are more tutorials there, just take a look! But the reason I choose this beaded bead was that it has some similarities to ndebele/herringbone stitch. And I do love that stitch! When you take a closer look at the tutorial then you'll see it ;)

I also did some changes. As you see on the picture of my beaded bead, then the upper and lower parts are different. Lower one is made as tutorial shows, upper one is improvised. The reason for the improvising was that the plastic pearl wasn't covered enough in the area of the hole of that beaded bead. But fortunately that big blue bead fits exactly there :D

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Color of the Month: April Mix

Aprillikuu värv... Hmmmm... Ma mõtlesin päris pikalt, mida valida. Olen teinud aprillikuu jooksul väga erinevates värvides ehteid. Pigem just kombineerinud võimalikult erinevaid värve ning otsinud enda jaoks pisut teistsuguseud valikuid. Ja siis ma mõtlesin, et miks mitte tehagi aprilliks kirju ehtevaliku? On ju aprill ka naljakuu :D Kui alustasin albumist vanades piltides sobramist, siis olin päris kõhkleval seisukohal - kas ma üldse leidan vanadest töödest mõne huvitava värvivaliku? Palju neid ei tulnud, kuid siin on valik mõnedest ehetest, mille värvide kokkusobitamine on minu arvates hästi välja tulnud.
PS Et näha kõiki seniseid värve, vajuta siia.

Color for April... Hmmmm... I thought a lot about the color to choose. I've made jewellery in quite different color combinations this April. And it's actually been my goal to seek interesting and different colorcombos. So then I thought why not to make a selection for April from colorful old jewellery? When I started to look around my album I was a bit hesitating - will I find any piece of jewellery with interesting color combination? I didn't find alot, but here are some I think I managed to combine successfully from different colors.
PS To see all colors so far, click here.