Sunday, June 29, 2008

More sophisticated look

Näh, ei saa ilma swarovskiteta :) Siin on kaks kaelakeed, üks lihtsam, teine pisut keerulisem. Ka siin on kasutatud swarovski 14mm rivoli kivikesi. Esimesel on lisaks amethyst rivolile ka metall plaadike, mille otsas ripuvad roosakad helmed. Mõlemad ripatsid ripuvad pallikestega keti küljes (oi kuidas ma praegu fännan sellist ketti). Kinnitasin need ovaalsete kinnitusrõngastega nii, et need ei hakka ketil jooksma. Muidu ühel hetkel avastad, et kinnis on ette libisenud. Teisel kaelakeel on selline päris kauni mustriga plaat, millel on aga keeruline rakendust leida. Värvidest on siin olivine ja light colorado topaz. Tilgakujulised kivid on Preciosa kristall ja ilma peegelkihita. See light colorado topaz on üks ütlemata ilus värv. See on selline rahulik, mahe ja pole liiga soe ega külm. Väga sarnane toon on crystal golden shadow, mille olen ka ostnud. Hetkel meeldib light colorado topaz rohkem :)
Esimene kee on müüdud.

I can't seem to get my hands off swarovskies :) Here are two necklaces. Here I also used 14mm swarovski 14mm rivolis. The first necklace has a amethyst rivoli and also a square stamped filligree with three pinkish beads. Both pendants hang on a ball chain (oh, I'm so fond of those cute chains). I attached these with oval jump rings so they will not slide on the chain. Otherwise you'll find the clasp next to the pendants after some time. The second necklace has a beautiful stamped filligree that I find hard to use in a piece of jewellery. Stone colors are olivine and light colorado topaz. Pearshaped stones are Preciosa and without the foiling. I really like the color light colorado topaz . It's calm and gentle, not too warm and not too cold. Very similar color is crystal golden shadow that I have also purchased. At the moment I like light colorado topaz more :)
First necklace is sold.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yellow June

Kui ma ükskord kirjutasin, et tahaks ka kangesti selliseid vaskplaate nagu Sirjelgi, siis hakkasid tema suurest abivalmidusest asjad liikuma ning lõpuks oli mul posu vaske käes :) Ilusad plaadid kõik, augudki sees... Aga no mis ma oskan nendega teha? Eks ma võtsin siis selle mänguhaamri jälle kätte ning tegin stressimaandamise teraapiat. Enamuse plaadist lõin haamrijälgi täis, keskele tagusin messingtraadist keeratud spiraaliga pisut "mustrit" (ja tulemusest on näha, et käed värisesid). Võtsin sellesama suure metalli viili ja viilisin nurgad maha. Päris põnev oli :P

Ma avastasin, et mul polegi eriti kollaseid helmeid. Ühed piklikud olid ostetus valmis keena ning mõned seemnehelmed võis ka kollastena klassifitseerida, need sain bijoux-componentsist iga tellimusega kaasa (neid on kogunenud paras hulk...). Eks mul olid mõned peenema viimistlusega Tšehhi helmeid ka, kuid need ei sobinud sellesse stiili. Komplekt Värvispektri kollase juuni jaoks.

I once wrote I'd like to have similar copper plates as Sirje, she was really helpful and eventually I had a lot of copper plates :) Pretty ones I must tell, with drilled holes and all... But what can I do with them? I took out my childrens "tool"kit hammer and made some stress therapy. I hammered the most of the plate, so it was nicely textured, in the middle I hammered with a help of brass wire, some spirals (lines came shaky though). I took my big file and made the corners round. It was quite exciting :P

I found out that I don't have much yellow beads. Those ovalshaped were bought as a necklace onve and some seedbeads that were mostly yellow that I got as a gift with every order from bijoux-components (I've got lots of those...). I do have some fancier Chech beads but they style didn't fit with the copper plate. This is a part of Project Spectrum for yellow June.

Friday, June 27, 2008

H as for Hammer

Tutvusin haamri ja paksu vasest traadiga :) Ega ma ei plaaninudki midagi valmis saada, lihtsalt tahtsin proovida, mis tunne on haamerdada. Vehenditeks olidki laste ehituskomplekti haamer, suur ja pikk metalli viil ja hädaga leidsin ühed suuuuured ja koledad tangid, mis näsisid kõik hambuliseks... Traadi sain ussickese käest ;) Ütleme nii, et see haamerdamine oli paras väljaelamine :) Esimesest jupist hakkas tulema nõel! Uskumatu! Minu kõige esimene nõel! Tagusin otsast peenemaks ning viilisin ilusti siledaks, et kangast ei lõhuks. Ahhh, ma olin nii põnevil, et nõelale tuli juurde ka, hmm, no ütleme siis aas, millega koos nad moodustavad sõle. Ja oh üllatust, see sõlg toimib ka praktiliselt! Eks see üks rohmakas ja natuke kole sõlg on, aga esimese korra kohta olen rahul, väga rahul.

I made my acquaintance with a hammer and a think copper wire :) I didn't planned to achieve anything, just wanted to get the feeling. So I didn't have any proper tools: a hammer from children "tool" kit, a big and long metal file and I managed to find a pair of old pliers that scrathed every surface they touched. I got this wire from ussicke ;) Well, hammering can sure help with stress :) The first piece wanted to become a needle! Unbelievable! My very first needle! I hammered it thinner and thinner and used file to smoothen the surface. I was so thrilled that I also made a hmm, a sort of a ring so they both will make a brooch. And I was so happy to find out that this brooch actually practically works! Yes I know it looks ugly and raw, but I'm really happy with the result knowing it is my very first hammered 'thing'.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Arte y Pico

Smadar andis mu blogile auhinna :) Kas pole kena? Tema blogist leiate uskumatult stiilseid ja ka aeganõudvad helmespõiminguid! Mulle tohutult meeldivad ka tema ehete värvivalikud. Auhinna nimi on Arte y Pico. Niipalju kui mina sellest aru sain, pole tegemist meemilaadse teatepulgaga, mida tuleks kõikidele jagada, vaid enne sügavalt mõelda, kelle blogi on sulle andnud kõige rohkem. Tõlgin selle auhinna andmise reeglid ka eestikeelde:
1) Vali 5 blogi, kes sinu arvates väärivad seda auhinda loomingulisuse, disaini, huvitava materjali ja samuti panuse andmise eest blogide maailma, olenemata keelest.
2) Auhinna andja lisab postitusse iga saaja nime ja lingi tema blogile.
3) Iga auhinna võitja paneb auhinna oma lehele ning lisab lingi, kellelt see auhind on saadud.
4) Auhinna saaja ning andja lisavad oma postitusse ka lingi "Arte y pico" blogile, et oleks teada, kust see auhind on alguse saanud.
5) Auhinna andmisel kopeeri need reeglid oma postitusse.

Edasi annan auhinna:
Lucy - imeilusad ehted!
Susa - vahel on tunne, et pole jäänud ühtki käsitööd, mida ta proovinud ei ole :)
Linca - Tubli ehtemeister, kellel ka õmblemistööd imehästi välja kukuvad.
Beadibulle - olen sealt leidnud väga palju inspiratsiooni helmespõiminguteks ning ka kasulikku infot erinevate õpetuste, blogide ja poodide kohta.
Hilisaed - uskumatult kaunid fimohelmed ning seinast seina vahvaid töid nii aias kui sisekujunduses.
*Andes seda auhinda, ei nõua ma kandidaatidelt osalemist :) See on vabatahtlik*

Smadar gave me an award :) That's so nice! It's called Arte y pico and the rules for passing the award on are:
1) You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogging community, no matter of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award-winning has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the ward itself.
4) Award-winning and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) Show these rules.

And I give this award to:
Lucy - gorgeous jewellery!
Susa - soetimes it feels she has tried all tha crafts out there :)
Linca - Great jewellery maker, who also can sew beautifully.
Beadibulle - I have found so much inspiration in beadweaving from her blog and a lot of useful information about different blogs, tutorials and beadshops.
Hilisaed - Gorgeous fimo beads and so many different works in the garden and interior decoration.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Mosaiik. Otsisin üles ühe töö seoses praegu isetegija blogides ringleva meemiga. See on üks mosaiik, mis valmis aastal 1998. Metallist tükid on päris väikesed, alla 1 mm². Pilt on 9,5x14cm. Alguses tegin tavalise paberi peale, aga pärast kleepisin papi taha. Kuna kasutasin tavalist pulgaliimi, siis hakkasid metallist tükid ära kukkuma. Kuna tol ajal mul mingit lakki polnud, panin lihtsalt kile ümber ja nii on see tänaseni. See on minu esimene sellelaadne mosaiik. Olen taolisi mosaiike teinud mõned veel... Tegelikult kasutatakse neid läikivaid tükke nii, et pannakse paberile liimi ning lihtsalt puistatakse sädelus peale :)

There was a meme with different questions. One of the question was what I did 10 years ago. My memory is not so good, so I tried to find something that was dated 1998. It's a mosaic, made of tiny metalsheet pieces that are smaller than 1 mm². The mosaic measures 9,5x14cm. I made it on a piece of paper and glued a cartong after it was finished. Because I used a regular stick glue, the small pieces started to fall off. So I wrapped it in a transparent plastic and it's stayed like that till today. It's the first that kind of mosaics I've ever made. I did few others like that after this one too... Those tiny pieces are actually used as a glitter, scattering it on glued areas on a paper or cards :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Still Water

Siin on see põhjus miks ma paar kuud tagasi hakkasin otsima kohti swarovski kristallide võimalike ostmise kohti. Tegu on tellimustööga. Kivi valis välja tulevane omanik, kivi suurus on 30x22mm ja värviks aquamarine. See pross on tehtud messingtraadist, veel on seal väikeseid mageveepärleid ning klaasist seemnehelmeid. Selle valmimine läks üle kivide ja kändude ning päris mitmel korral oli mul tunne, et sellest tööst ei tule mitte midagi välja... Ideid oli sadu ja kõik olid kasutamiskõlbmatud. Koba peale hakkasin lihtsalt pihta, teadmata mida teen. Hirmus. Tunne oli nagu mõnel lõbustuspargi atraktsioonil, kus hetk enne alla kihutamist tabad end ebalõbusas meeleolus, suled silmad ja loodad, et kõik lõppeb hästi. Aga tulemus, mnjaa... Poleks eales arvanud, et see (misiganes 'see' ka ei oleks) õnnestub :)

Now here is the reason why I started to look for swarovski stones a couple of months ago. This is a custom work. The stone was picked out by the person who ordered the brooch, stone is 30x22mm and the color is aquamarine. I made this brooch from brass wire, small freshwater pearls and glass seedbeads. Making this was not easy and there were so many moments when I thought this will all go wrong... There were zillions of ideas but nothing I could use. So I just took a breath and started, not knowing what I was doing. It was horrible. It felt like on a rollercoaster of some socalled funfair realizing I'm not so amuzed and at the very moment I race off I close my eyes and hope things will end well. But the outcome, well... I've never guessed that it (whatever 'it' was) would work :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

No self control -> Shopping

Nüüd olen juba mõnda aega otsinud netipoode, et leida erinevate ehtekivikeste võimalikke hankimisallikaid. Eks neid kivikesi ja sobivaid metallist komponente annab vbl osta mitmest kohast. Aga toon välja kolm kohta, kust olen tellinud rohkem kui üks kord ning paar poodi veel, mille järele neelud käivad. Kõige tuttavam koht selle blogi lugejaile on ilmselt Tšehhi Bijoux-components. Sealt on enamus minu metallist komponente ning need väikesed swarovski kivid (flatbacks) koos pesadega (pesad monteerin ise külge). Ja siis kaks uut kohta, mille leidsin läbi Beadibulle blogi. Üks on Belgia la Geode, kus on küll tagasihoidlik valik, kuid see-eest on üle 20eurose tellimusel tasuta tavapost ning maksta saab PayPaliga. Teine koht on Prantsusmaa Perles&Co, kus on palju suurem valik ja mõned asjad soodsamad kui Belgia poes, kuid PayPali võimalust seal pole (tuleb krediitkaardi andmed ilusti sisse toksida). Seal on hea valik kivide erinevaid (sh sew-on) pesasid. Aga on veel mõned kohad, kust tahaksin proovida tellimist - näiteks Prantsusmaa poest nimega Cristalperles ja Belgia poest Bricol´Art. Aga kõike korraga ju ei saa :) Kui oli sellest infost kasu, siis andke teada!

Edit: Bricol´Artist olen telimud nüüd juba mitmeid kordi. Asjaajamine on seal kiire. Kivide valik pole kõige suurem (võrreldes näit. la Geode poega), see-eest on seal päris korralik swarovski helmeste (eriti bicone-kujulisi) värvivalik. Samuti saab sealt kivide jaoks pesasid ning kõrvarõngaid ja sõrmuseid, kuhu ehtekivisid panna.

Edit: Veel üks hea koht ehtekive jahtida on eBay. Trüki otsingusse näiteks sõna rhinestone, chaton, või navette ja leiad palju pakkumisi. Peaaegu alati on vajalik PayPal. Jälgi postikulusid ning arvesta, et alati on risk, et pakk võib kaduma minna (seetõttu on soovitav kindlustus).

I've been lurking around looking for beadshops of different rhinestones/strass and matching metal components. It's time for me to make a little summary of what I've found. I have bought different swarovski stones mainly from three places. First one is familiar for those who read this blog - Bijoux-components in Chech. I buy most of the metal components and those little swarovski stones (flatbacks) as well as the settings for them (I set the stones myself). And the new two places I found through Beadibulle blog. One is la Geode in Belgium, there's a nice assortment of swarovski and preciosa chrystal that could be bigger but for me it's really good the possibility to pay via PayPal and that there is a free standard shipping for orders over 20 euros. The second new place I have ordered from is Perles&Co in France. Now there is a lot bigger assortment and there are some items cheaper but there's no PayPal option. There are some other places that I haven't yet ordered from but want to. Cristalperles in France and Bricol´Art in Belgium. There are some interesting chrystal findings there and I sure like to try ordering from these shops, but it have to wait for now. Can't have everything at once, right :) If you find this post useful, please let me know!

Edit: I've made orders from many times. Order processing is fast. The array of the stones isn't very big (compared for example with la Geode, where there are stones in interesting colors), but there are so many bead (bicones mostly) colors to choose from. And you can get stone settings also ring and earring settings in different metal finishes.

Edit: Another good place to hunt for rhinestones is from eBay. Type word rhinestone, chaton or navette and browse through many offers. You almost always need PayPal. Check for shipping costs and know that there's always a risk of your package getting lost (so insurance is recommended).

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Something Pretty for Summer Evenings

Kaks kaelakeed, päris erinevad :) Esimene on olnud poolikuna juba paar nädalat... Ei suutnud seda lõpetada, kuna see keskmine pesa oli täitmata. Algne mõte oli kleepida sinna üks swarovski kivi, ent liim on ikka veel kättesaamatu ning enam ei jõudnud see kee lihtsalt oodata. Üks lihvitud klaashelmes leidis sinna koha. Need ametüstivärvi tilgakujulised kivid on Preciosa kristallist ja neil pole fooliumkihti taga. Seetõttu ei sära nad nagu peegel, vaid on sügavad ja mõjuvad sametiselt :) Aga need väiksed piimjad kivid on Swarovski omad. Veel leidub seal MC (masinlihvitud) helmeid, TOHO seemnehelmeid, 2mm vaskhelmeid ning üks tšehhi lihvitud klaashelmes, mis leidis koha sealsamas südamikus.

Teine kee valmis laupäeval. Ei oskagi kohe miskit kommenteerida... Ma tahtsin proovida, kas ümmargust metallist kausikujulist pesa annab ovaalsele kivile ümber panna. Annab küll :) Kinnitasin siis ripatsi tagasihoidlikule ketile ning lisasin kummalegi poole kivikesi ning kuljuseid (mis tegelikult on kokku pressitud kalotid).

Two different necklaces :) First one stayed unfinished for a couple of weeks... I couldn't decide on the middle section of the pendant. First idea was to glue a rhinestone there with a special glue. But I couldn't get that glue and I had to think something else because this necklace couldn't wait any longer. So I put a faceted glass bead there. Those amethyst-colored pearshaped stones are from Preciosa chrystal and they don't have a folio on the back side. Therefore they don't shine like a mirror, but are deep and look velvety instead :) But those small milky ones are swarovskies. Then you can see that there are machine cut (MC) beads, TOHO seedbeads, 2mm copper beads and a faceted glass bead.

I made the second necklace on Saturday. Don't know how to comment on this one... I just wanted to try if I could fit a round metal stamping on an oval shaped stone. I found out I can easily do that :) I attached this pendant on a modest chain and added some flatbacks and bells (that I made from beadtips) on both side.

Montana Blue

Kaunis koplekt, mis koosneb kõrvarõngastest ning kaelakeest. Montana Blue on selle värvi nimi. Mul on hulk klaashelmeid sellevärvilisi (värvi kood 30320). Armas tagasihoidlik värv, mitte liiga pealetükkiv, mõtlesin mina. Kui aga ma esmakordselt nägin neid kandilisi swarovski kristallist kivisid, jäi mul hing kinni! No sellist värvi sügavust ja kaunidust ei osanud oodata. Kohe oli selge, et suurt "ilu" polnud nende ümber vaja valmistadagi :) Tahtsin jälle teha selliseid kõrvarõngaid, mis istusid otse kõrva all. Nägin päris palju vaeva enne, kui rahuldava tulemuse sain. Esimesel versioonil olid rippuvad mageveepärlid tillukesed, 3x4mm suurused. Need ei sobinud proportsionaalselt kohe mitte ning asendasin suurematega 5x6mm. Millegipärast olin kindel, et vaja kaelakeed juurde. Tellisin spetsiaalselt sama värvi rivoli ning täna valmiski kaelakee. Mitte midagi keerulist, aga samas ka mitte tagasihoidlik :)
Nii kõrvarõngad kui ka kee on müüdud.

Beautiful set of earrings and a necklace. The color is Montana Blue. I've got loads of glass beads in that color (30320 is the code). I thought - a nice calm modest color, not too posh. But when I first saw those rectangular swarovski chrystal stones, I lost my breath! There's no way for me to be prepaired for this richness and deepness of color. It was more than obvious that there was no need of gathering pretty things around it :) I wanted to make a pair of earrings, the kind of that sits right under the earlobe. It took awhile till I had the result I was happy with. The first version had small dangling freshwater pearls, in size 3x4mm. They weren't right so I replaced them with bigger freshwater pearls in size 5x6mm. I was so sure of the fact that this pair of earrings need a necklace. So I specially ordered a matching color rivoli for that purpose and I finished it today. Nothing complex, but not too modest or plain either :)
Both earrings and necklace is sold.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Bling in Spring

Selle swarovski rivoli roheline on ilus kevadine. Pressisin selle ühte metalljublaka sisse. Rivoli läbimõõt on 14mm, see pisike kivike on pisut rohkem kui 4mm. Tegelikult oli mul mõte, panna sinna lehe otsa rippuma roheline kivi. Kuid hajameelne nagu olen, unustasin ära, et selle rivoli värvuse nimi peridot pole sugugi sama, mis pisikestel kividel - so siis olivine. No kohe mitte ei sobinud nad kokku nii nagu tahtsin. Õnneks tuli light rose appi ja kee sai ikkagi valmis ja nüüd mõtlen, et see roosa sobib palju paremini kui sama tooni roheline :)

Jajah, ja see kee on päris vallatu. Kui endale kaela riputasin, siis peale sädeluse tõmbas see ripats tähelepanu veel kelmika peitusemänguga :D Nimelt peidab rivoli end vahepeal ära, keerates tagumise külje. Õnneks on see tagumine külg kena ning mõjub nagu kõik peakski nii olema. Huh, vedas...
See kee on müüdud.

The color of this rivoli is nice and looks like a color of spring. I put it in a metal stamped filligree. The diameter of this rivoli is 14mm, the smaller stone is a bit more then 4mm. Actually I had an idea of attaching a green stone to the leave. But as I'm already an absentminded person, then ofcourse I mixed up the swarovski color names like peridot (rivoli) and olivine (small stones). They didn't fit as I wanted. Fortunately light rose swarovskies were there to help me out and I was able to finish this necklace and now I think that rose and green looks perfect :)

Yeah, this is a bit frisky one. When I wear this necklace then it draws attention not only with the glittering but also with hiding at times :) The rivoli turns the back side for a while and then turns the front again. Fortunately the back side is nice as well and it looks as if it's meant to be that way. Huh, lucky me...

This necklace is sold.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Few Customs

Mõned tellimustööd, mille kallal viimasel ajal nokitsenud. See on täitsa müstiline, kuidas mõnikord näkkab nende inimestega. Ma mõtlen, et tegelikult olen jube jama tegelane, kui asi läheb tellimiseks. Tihtilugu olen ära ütelnud, kui kiired ajad, või kui tervis kehv (ma ei suuda helmestega tegeleda, kui mul on halb olla) või pole õigel lainel. Kahju on küll, aga mis teha, kui tean, et sel hetkel asjast asja ei saa. Mõnikord aga veab - tellijad ilmuvad siis, kui mul on aega ja tahtmist väljakutsetele vastu astuda. Sest iga tellimustöö on paras väljakutse :) Tihtilugu soovitakse midagi, mida varem teinud ei ole ja kuidas sa muidu poed teise inimese pähe, et aru saada, mida too ette kujutab? Need siin on tööd, kus mul oli mingi hägune ettekujutus, mis enamvähem läks kokku tellija omaga, või siis oli tellija väga usaldav ja sellega võttis pinge maha. Üks tellimustöö oli selline, et kuni lõpuni ei saanud aru, mida tellija tahtis. Aga sellest räägin tulevikus.

Siin on juukseklamber hõbetatud vasktraadist ja helmestest. Telliti selle kaelakee juurde. Teine on pross meesterahvale, must atlass, samet ning tüll, sekka swarovskeid, helmeid ja kette. Kolmas on hõbekõrvarõngad kullatud helmestega ning lisaks veel krüsokollat ja aventuriini. Ma vist polegi varem hõbedat ja kulda seganud.

Here are some custom works I've made recently. It's quite weird how sometimes things like that can be arranged. I mean, I can be really frustrating when it comes to custom work. I've said no so many times due to lack of time or because I was feeling ill (I can't make jewellery when I don't feel good) or when I can't concentrate. It doesn't feel great to turn people down but there's no point when I see it wouldn't work. But sometimes things go well and people with special wishes come when I've got time and will to work with challenges. Every custom work is a challenge :) Because very often people want something I haven't done before and how in the world can I get a sight on what image is in another persons head? These are custom works that I had a (vague) idea that was acceptable to the orderer. There was one order that I wasn't sure of and I'm still not sure what did the orderer really wanted. But I'll tell you more about that in the future.

Here you can see a hair clip with silverplated copper wire and beads. It should be able to be matched with
this necklace. Second one is a brooch for a guy, black fabric (velvet, tulle), some swarovskies, beads and chains. Third one is a pair of silver earrings with goldplated metal beads and chrysocolla and aventurine beads. I think it's the first time I mixed silver with gold.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

European Championship Special from 7th June - 29th June

Jalgpalli EMi ajal on mu DaWanda poes iga mängu ajal kõik ehted -11% Kui mäng lõppeb, on vanad hinnad tagasi. Selline kampaania on igavesti vahva ja sellega on ühinenud teisigi DaWanda müüjaid, kelle poodidest võite leida erinevaid tooteid ;) Otsi tooteid, millel on väike jalgpallike üleval nurgas. Minge aga kohe uudistama, ega matši ajal ei saa ju kauaks arvuti taha jääda.

All products flagged with the football icon in my DaWanda shop are available to purchase at -11% discounted price during play time of European Championship football games. Many DaWanda sellers are participating in this European Championship Special ;) Go and take a look! This discount is only valid on purchases of flagged products made during the official play times.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ring for a Princess

On kätte jõudnud aeg, mil tuli tutvust teha swarovski kuulsate rivolidega :) Oi, nad on pimestavalt kaunid. Kivi värv on light rose, kivi all on peegelkiht, mis paneb valguse sillerdama tuhandetes kihtides! Minu esimene töö rivoliga on siin - muinasjutuline sõrmus. See sobiks küll printsessile :) Külgede peal on tillukesed mageveepärlid ning väikesed lilled. Sõrmus tuli pisut suur, aga pole hullu, kõige jämedama sõrme otsas loksub küll, aga ära ei kuku.

Time has come for me to make my acquaintance with swarovski rivolis :) Oh, they are so pretty and shiny! The color of this stone is light rose, it's foiled like a mirror and reflecting light gives so many tiny sparks! This is my first piece of jewellery with rivoli - a ring from the pages of a fairytale. It sure should suit for a princess :) There are tiny freshwater pearls and flowers on the both sides of the rivoli. It came out a bit too big, but it's ok. It's sits loosely but doesn't fall off.