Siin on üks komplekt julgetele. Ma olen kunagi lubanud endale, et ma ei osta oranže helmeid... Ma teadsin küll, et kõik värvid on ilusad, kui neid panna õigesse kohta, aga ju siis tundus, et oranžiga see mul lihtsalt ei õnnestu. Samuti on aja jooksul kujunenud reegliks, et ma ei kasuta plastikust helmeid. See komplekt oli üks suur risk algusest peale :)
Need vintage oranžid klaashelmed on kõik käsitsi valmistatud Jaapanis 1950-60ndatel. Ma sain nad esialgsetel niitidel ning originaal-lipikutega. Värv on tugev, peaaegu neoon. Kvaliteet on väga hea - helme pind on sile ja läikiv, puuduvad defektid ning helme auk on korrapärane. Kaelakee ripatsiks on suur ebakorrapärase kujuga akrüül-pärl. Pärlikiht on kaunis ning ripatsi suurus on muljetavaldav - valmistatuna klaasist oleks see liig raske. Käeketil olev suur vintage pärl oleks pidanud olema klaasist, ent kui kaup oli kohal, sain aru, et see on samuti mingisugusest plastikust. Huvitav on selle pärli juures see, et see on seest õõnes! Niiviisi, ei lisa see käeketi raskusele midagi.

Here is a jewellery set for the bold. I once made a promise that I never buy orange beads... Yes, I knew that all the colors are beautiful when they are put in the right spot, guess I thought I couldn't find one for orange. It has also seem to became a rule over the time that I don't use plastic parts. Oh well, this set was all about taking risks :)
These vintage orange glass beads were handmade in Japan in the 1950-60's. I received them in original state strung on cotton thread and with paper labels. The color is strong, almost neon. Quality is excellent - surface of the bead is smooth and glossy, no defects and the hole of the bead is regularly shaped. The pendant of the necklace is made of big baroque shaped acrylic pearl. The pearl coating is gorgeous and the size of pendant impressive - when made of glass it would weight too much. Baroque pearl on the bracelet clasp should have been made of glass but when it arrived I realized it's made of some-kind of plastics. Interesting however is the fact that this pearl cabochon is hollow inside! So it will not add any weight at all to the whole design.