Otsisin täna sobivat tausta, et pildistada uut kaelakeed. Leidsin oma lapsepõlve öösärgi. Ma mäletan, et mulle see tohutult meeldis, sest see oli selline vanaaegne. See on nii peenest ja õrnast kangast, et säilis vist tänu faktile, et oli kandmisel äärmiselt ebamugav ja ma väsisin nende õlapaelte pidevast parandamisest ja uuesti külgeõmblemisest :)
Teiseks taustaks on valge pärlmutter paber. See millega tavaliselt oma pilte teen.
Kolmandaks taasavastasin enda jaoks ühe vana moealbumi, aastast 1956. See on nii eesti kui vene keeles. Ja mis mulle sealt vastu vaatas?! See sama
rahvusromantika, mis praegu Eestis hakkab taas ennast moes ilmutama! Samuti on rahvuslikke motiive tüdrukute kleitidel albumi tagakaanel.
Põhjus, miks ma selliseid "erilisi" taustu otsisin (lisaks heledale paberile) on see, et need kivid, mis kaelakees kasutatud :) on samuti vanad ja erilised.
Kivid mida nimetatakse
iris või
rainbow, on läbipaistvast klaasist/kunstkristallist, millesse on lisatud punast, rohelist ja sinist. Mul on näiteks pakk klaasist
ehtekive Tšehhoslovakkiast (
originaalpakend). Ka
Swarovski on selliseid kristalle tootnud, mis nüüd on väga raskesti leitavad ja rariteetsed (näide
ehtekividest ja
vanaaegsest pakendist). Need on kõrgema plii sisaldusega, mistõttu võrreldes klaasiga sätendavad palju rohkem. Samuti on mu kogus üks pakk kolmevärvilisi
Lääne Saksamaal toodetud
tilgakujulisi ehtekive, millel on tekstuurne pealispind. Nende
pakendil on aga iris/rainbow asemel kirjas
tourmoline. Põhjus, miks selle nimi teistsugune on, võib olla näiteks selles, et ei tahetud võtta olemasolevat värvi nime, mida seostatakse Tšehhi ja Swarovski ehtekividega. Samuti on saksa ehtekividel teist tooni roheline ja punase asemel tumeroosakas toon.
Ükski kivi pole teisega täpselt sarnane! Esimest korda, kui ma selliseid kive nägin ühes valmis ehtes, siis mulle ausalt öeldes need eriti ei meeldinud. Ma ei näinud nendes ilu, olid sellised kirjud ja iga üks omamoodi. Kuid mida aeg edasi, seda rohkem need mulle meeldima hakkasid ja just sellepärast, et nad ON sellised kirjud ja igaüks omamoodi :) Kas pole naljakas?
Suur kandiline kirju klaaskivi seal keskel on
fooliumkihiga. Väikesed ümmargused kirjud kivid peaks olema swarovskid, kuid kuna ma ei saanud neid originaalpakendis, ei saa ma 100% kindel olla. Igal juhul sätendavad nad rohkem kui fooliumkihiga klaas ja neil pole fooliumkihti taga!!! Veel on siin montana siniseid lehe(?)kujulisi ehtekive, millede jaoks pidin tangidega sobivaks tegema tilgakujuliste kivide pesasid. Piltidel tundub see kaelakee keskmes olev kaunistus suurem, kui see reaalselt on. See kaelakee on üleval ka mu
DaWanda poes.




I was looking for a background for photographing my new necklace. I found my childhood nightgown. I remember I absolutely adored it because it was old looking. It's made from really fine and fragile fabric that it is still intact because of the fact it was really uncomfortable to wear. And I got tired of sewing the straps that broke too often :)The second background is white pearly paper. The one I usually use when making photos.The third one was a rediscovered fashion magazine from the year 1956. It's in Estonian and Russian. And what did I found there?! That same idea of transforming motifs from the historical clothing into fashion. It has also become very popular in Estonia right now!The reason I was looking for "special" backgrounds (additional for white paper), is that the stones I used in this necklace are old and special.***Rhinestones that are referred as iris or rainbow are from clear glass with splashes of green, red and blue in it. For example I have a package of rhinestones from Czechoslovakia(original package). Also Swarovski has produced crystals with that name, these are really hard to find nowadays (example of rhinestones and vintage package). These have a higher lead percentage and comparing to glass sparkle a lot more. I have one package of three-colour pearshaped glass rhinestones that were made in Western Germany, these are with textured surface. But instead of iris/rainbow you can see that the package has a word tourmoline. Reason, why it has a different name may be a wish to avoid being compared to a brand name swarovski and Czech rhinestones. Or because of the different color hues: the green color isn't the same and instead of siam red they have more ruby/fuchsia color.***Every stone is unique and unrepeatable! The first time I saw thatkind of rhinestones was in a finished neckpiece and honestly I didn't like them at all. I couldn't see the beauty of these, so varicoloured and every one so different from each other. But then time went by and I started to like them and I liked them exactly because they are so varycoloured and different :) Isn't it funny?The big rectangle is only one with folio. Little round ones should be swarovski but since I didn't receive them in original package I cannot be 100% sure. But they do sparkle, more that the glass rhinestone with folio. And these little ones are unfoiled!!! Then there are montana blue leaf(?)shaped rhinestones. I needed to shape pear-shaped settings with my pliers to suit them. On the pictures the central piece looks bigger than it actually is. This necklace is also in my DaWanda shop.