Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shopping -> practical vs impractical

Mõnikord on asju, mida tahaks nii väga, mitte et need vajalikud oleksid vaid lihtsalt. Toongi siia näituseks sellised asjad, mida just viimati olen hankinud.
Esimesel pildil on vapikujulised klaasist ehtekivid, mis on pealt lihvitud. Nende eBay'st hankimisel oli kaks suurt takistust. Esiteks, kui neid oksjonile üldse pandi, läks nende hind alati minu jaoks liiga kõrgeks ja teiseks, noh, kui aus olla, siis ma ei tea mis nendega teha... Mul pole selliseid vapikujulisi "pesasid" ning kuigi ma olen otsinud, pole neid kusagilt leidnud. Eks näis, mis neist saab, kuid rõõmus olen sellegipoolest :)
Teisel pildil on tsirkoonid, samuti eBay'st. Oh jah... midagi NII säravat pole ma nii lähedalt varem näinud. Kaks suuremat kivi on seal 11mm diameetriga. Ja tõepoolest, kas ma julgen neid üldse oma ehetes kasutada...
Viimasel pildil on üksa väga armas tegelane - kilpkonn (BricolArt'ist). See on smaragtrohelisest siidjast klaasist ning kullavärviga klaashelmes :) Ma olen sellist nii kaua tahtnud! Mitte et mul seda vaja on, oh ei... Võimalik, et ma ei teegi sellest helmest midagi. Tõepoolest, ma pole ammu nii ebapraktiline olnud :D

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Sometimes you may want things so bad... Not because you need it. Here are some of THAT kind of things I've been purchased.
On the first picture there are vintage glass stones with faceted top and gold folio from eBay. There was two big obstacles purchasing those. First, that their cost went always too high at the auctions and second, er, I have no idea what to do with them. Because I don't have a settings for them and although I have looked for them I've found nothing. We'll see what comes of them, I'm happy nevertheless :)
The second photo is with zircones also from eBay. Oh my... I haven't seen anything THAT sparkling before. The two bigger stones are 11mm in diameter. And really, am I able to put these in a pice of jewellery at all...
On the last pic there is a very cute turtle (from BricolArt). It's a bead from emerald silky glass with golden surface finishing :) I've wanted something like this for a long time! Not because I needed it, oh no... It's very likely that I'll never make anything out of it. Really, I haven't beed so impractical for a lon
g time :D

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rhinestone Bracelets

Ma kasutasin seda sama nippi ehtekivide ühendamisel nagu selles kirjute kividega kaelakees. Kõige esimene, millega alustasin oli see roosa moonstone ja amethyst swarovskitega käekett. Selle tegin ovaalsete rõngastega. Kahjuks ovaalsed ei lase igakord käeketil ilusti "langeda" ja nii tegin ülejäänud kaks ümmarguste rõngastega.
Rohelises komplektikeses on vanad swarovski green opal ning suurem peridot ehtekivid ja prossis rohelisekirjud navette klaaskivid. Kui mäletate, siis mul oli selliseid suuruses 15x7mm, tegin ühe kaelakee sellega. Siin prossis aga on suurusega 10x5mm :) Kusjuures ma eile surfasin ja leidsin väga inspireeriva koha: Morning Glory Jewelry. Muide, ühtedel Diori kõrvarõngastel on samasuguseid rohelisi ehtekive!!!
Helesinine komplekt on hetkel mu lemmik. Sinna panin ma Saksamaal USA tsoonis toodetud siniseid klaaskive ning kolm meelespea mustriga klaaskivikest. Viimased on super armsad, sain need ükskord kingituseks. Ma olin nii õnnelik :) Neid helesiniseid klaashelmeid ma ei teagi, et need mul olemas olid... Igaljuhul sobisid tooni poolest hästi kokku ehtekivide ja tilkadega. Viimane käekett on üleval ka mu DaWanda poes.
Roheline käekett ja kõrvarõngad ning roosa komplekt on müüdud.

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I used the same trick attaching rhinestones with jump rings as in the necklace with rainbow glass stones. The first bracelet that I did like this was the one with pink moonstone rhinestones and amethyst swarovski crystals. I did it with oval shaped jump rings. Unfortunately oval jump rings sometimes obstruct the bracelet in movement and so I did the other two with round jump rings.
In that green set I used vintage swarovski crystals in green opal and peridot, in the brooch there are vintage green navettes. You may remember that I have that kind of navettes in bigger size (15x7mm), I used one to make
a necklace. In this brooch there are navettes in size 10x5mm :) I did some looking through the internet yesterday and found a very inspirational site: Morning Glory Jewelry. And I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw samekind of rhinestones in a pair of earring by Dior!!!
The light blue set is my favourite at the moment. I used blue rhinestones that were produced in US zone in Germany and three flowershaped rhinestones. These flower rhinestones are super cute, I got them as a gift. You can imagine the happiness :) I don't remember that I had those round blue bead... but they go perfectly with the glass stones and dropshaped beads.The third set is also in my DaWanda shop.
Green bracelet and earrings and the pink set is sold.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Drawing

Täna ma lihtsalt joonistasin. Mõtted rändasid terve igaviku... Pilt on joonistatud A5-le.

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Today I just drew. My thoughts made a long journey... The paper is A5 format.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pink Brooch

Olen viimasel ajal väga laisk blogija olnud. Ma olen püüdnud seda kuidagi varjata, tehes mõnedest ehetest postitusi, kuid nii palju asju on vahepeal näitamata. Siin on pross, mille tegin kohe pärast seda kollast.
Need pirnikujulised kivid on moonstone klaasist, keskmine ring ehtekive on swarovski light amethyst AB ning keskel on klaaspärl. Minu jaoks üllatuslikult on kõige raskem prosside juures nende kivide pesade (andestust, ma ei tea õiget terminit) sobitamine kividega. Ehtekive nagu on, aga kui tahan ehteid teha siis avastan, et mul pole nii palju või õige suuruse/kujuga pesasid nende jaoks, et oma mõtteid teoks teha. Vbl peaks proovima väiksema ehtekivide kogusega prosse...

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I've been really lazy lately when it comes to blogging. I try hard to make some posts here, but so many jewellery pieces are still waiting for their time. I made this brooch right after the yellow one.
Those pearshaped rhinestones are from moonstone glass, in the circle there are light amethyst AB swarovskis and in the middle glass pearl cabochon. I'm surprised that the most difficult part was matching the rhinestones with settings. I have different stones and cabochons but when I have an idea I find that there are not enough or not right size/shape settings. Perhaps I should try to make a brooch with smaller quantity of rhinestones...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Coral Red, Pearl and Black AB

Ei, ma pole unustanud oma erkpunase eksperimenti. Eesmärgiks on seda värvi tundma õppida nii, et suudan seda kokku panna rohelisega ja ka tulemusega rahul olla :) Et see poleks liiga jõuluteemaline. Varem olen katsetanud pärlmutriga ning türkiisrohelisega. Ega seegi kord midagi enneolematut suutnud teha, ikkagi selline "turvaline" värvivalik. Sest pärlid sobivad peaaegu, et kõigega ning must samuti. Vbl ainuke selline kahtlus-proovimine-õnnestumine oli nende mustade AB helmestega. Külmatooniline läige annab sellele kombinatsioonile palju juurde. Kelluke on ndebele tehnikas ja 15/0 Miyuki seemnehelmestega. Metalliks valisin seekord peamiselt hõbedase. Kaelakee on väga liikuv :)

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No I haven't forgotten about my experiment of finding color combinations with bright red. I wish I could learn to know this color so well that I'm able to put it with green and be happy with the result :) That the result would not be too into Christmas theme. Previously I have tried bright red with MOP and turquoise green. I still don't feel comfortable with this color so this time I also tried a "safe" combination. Because pearls goes with almost anything and so does black. Perhaps the only moment of doubting-trying-succeeding was with the black AB beads. This gives that "something" to this whole color combination. The flower is stitched with ndebele from 15/0 Miyuki seedbeads. Metal components are mostly silvery this time. This necklace has a lot of movement :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Old Things & Discovering glass vol 2

Otsisin täna sobivat tausta, et pildistada uut kaelakeed. Leidsin oma lapsepõlve öösärgi. Ma mäletan, et mulle see tohutult meeldis, sest see oli selline vanaaegne. See on nii peenest ja õrnast kangast, et säilis vist tänu faktile, et oli kandmisel äärmiselt ebamugav ja ma väsisin nende õlapaelte pidevast parandamisest ja uuesti külgeõmblemisest :)
Teiseks taustaks on valge pärlmutter paber. See millega tavaliselt oma pilte teen.
Kolmandaks taasavastasin enda jaoks ühe vana moealbumi, aastast 1956. See on nii eesti kui vene keeles. Ja mis mulle sealt vastu vaatas?! See sama rahvusromantika, mis praegu Eestis hakkab taas ennast moes ilmutama! Samuti on rahvuslikke motiive tüdrukute kleitidel albumi tagakaanel.
Põhjus, miks ma selliseid "erilisi" taustu otsisin (lisaks heledale paberile) on see, et need kivid, mis kaelakees kasutatud :) on samuti vanad ja erilised.
Kivid mida nimetatakse iris või rainbow, on läbipaistvast klaasist/kunstkristallist, millesse on lisatud punast, rohelist ja sinist. Mul on näiteks pakk klaasist ehtekive Tšehhoslovakkiast (originaalpakend). Ka Swarovski on selliseid kristalle tootnud, mis nüüd on väga raskesti leitavad ja rariteetsed (näide ehtekividest ja vanaaegsest pakendist). Need on kõrgema plii sisaldusega, mistõttu võrreldes klaasiga sätendavad palju rohkem. Samuti on mu kogus üks pakk kolmevärvilisi Lääne Saksamaal toodetud tilgakujulisi ehtekive, millel on tekstuurne pealispind. Nende pakendil on aga iris/rainbow asemel kirjas tourmoline. Põhjus, miks selle nimi teistsugune on, võib olla näiteks selles, et ei tahetud võtta olemasolevat värvi nime, mida seostatakse Tšehhi ja Swarovski ehtekividega. Samuti on saksa ehtekividel teist tooni roheline ja punase asemel tumeroosakas toon.
Ükski kivi pole teisega täpselt sarnane! Esimest korda, kui ma selliseid kive nägin ühes valmis ehtes, siis mulle ausalt öeldes need eriti ei meeldinud. Ma ei näinud nendes ilu, olid sellised kirjud ja iga üks omamoodi. Kuid mida aeg edasi, seda rohkem need mulle meeldima hakkasid ja just sellepärast, et nad ON sellised kirjud ja igaüks omamoodi :) Kas pole naljakas?
Suur kandiline kirju klaaskivi seal keskel on fooliumkihiga. Väikesed ümmargused kirjud kivid peaks olema swarovskid, kuid kuna ma ei saanud neid originaalpakendis, ei saa ma 100% kindel olla. Igal juhul sätendavad nad rohkem kui fooliumkihiga klaas ja neil pole fooliumkihti taga!!! Veel on siin montana siniseid lehe(?)kujulisi ehtekive, millede jaoks pidin tangidega sobivaks tegema tilgakujuliste kivide pesasid. Piltidel tundub see kaelakee keskmes olev kaunistus suurem, kui see reaalselt on. See kaelakee on üleval ka mu DaWanda poes.
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I was looking for a background for photographing my new necklace. I found my childhood nightgown. I remember I absolutely adored it because it was old looking. It's made from really fine and fragile fabric that it is still intact because of the fact it was really uncomfortable to wear. And I got tired of sewing the straps that broke too often :)
The second background is white pearly paper. The one I usually use when making photos.
The third one was a rediscovered fashion magazine from the year 1956. It's in Estonian and Russian. And what did I found there?! That same idea of transforming motifs from the historical clothing into fashion. It has also become very popular in Estonia right now!
The reason I was looking for "special" backgrounds (additional for white paper), is that the stones I used in this necklace are old and special.
Rhinestones that are referred as iris or rainbow are from clear glass with splashes of green, red and blue in it. For example I have a package of rhinestones from Czechoslovakia(original package). Also Swarovski has produced crystals with that name, these are really hard to find nowadays (example of rhinestones and vintage package). These have a higher lead percentage and comparing to glass sparkle a lot more. I have one package of three-colour pearshaped glass rhinestones that were made in Western Germany, these are with textured surface. But instead of iris/rainbow you can see that the package has a word tourmoline. Reason, why it has a different name may be a wish to avoid being compared to a brand name swarovski and Czech rhinestones. Or because of the different color hues: the green color isn't the same and instead of siam red they have more ruby/fuchsia color.
Every stone is unique and unrepeatable! The first time I saw thatkind of rhinestones was in a finished neckpiece and honestly I didn't like them at all. I couldn't see the beauty of these, so varicoloured and every one so different from each other. But then time went by and I started to like them and I liked them exactly because they are so varycoloured and different :) Isn't it funny?
The big rectangle is only one with folio. Little round ones should be swarovski but since I didn't receive them in original package I cannot be 100% sure. But they do sparkle, more that the glass rhinestone with folio. And these little ones are unfoiled!!! Then there are montana blue leaf(?)shaped rhinestones. I needed to shape pear-shaped settings with my pliers to suit them. On the pictures the central piece looks bigger than it actually is. This necklace is also in my DaWanda shop.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Flower Brooch

Seekord ma ehtekividega ei koonerdanud :) Värvivaliku poolest nii kollane et kohe on tõesti kollane pross koosneb navette-kujulistest sabrina-tüüpi kollasekirju klaaskividest ja kaheksast väikesest jonquil ning ühest pirakast (10mm!) yellow opal swarovski ehtekivist. Tehnikaks pakuksin traadiga helmespõimingu. Saab ju pesadega ehtekive kasutada kui helmeid ;) Pross on 3,5cm diameetriga. Kivid on vanad ja kõike muud kui tagasihoidlikud. Müüdud.

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This time I didn't hold myself back while choosing rhinestones and the amount of rhinestones I wanted to use :) This o'so'yellow brooch has yellow-white colored sabrina smooth top glass navette cabochons and eight little jonquil and a big (~10mm!) yellow opal swarovski crystal. I would say that the technique used was beadweaving using wire. Because it's easy to use set rhinestones as beads ;) This brooch is 3,5cm in diameter. Stones are vintage yet everything but modest. Sold.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Swarovski Light Smoked Topaz

See kaelakee on omamoodi nagu Atlantise tagasitulek. Nimelt otsisin ja ostsin need ehtekivid, et teha samasugune kee. Swarovski kivi värvid on light smoked topaz ja navette-tüüpi kristallide nimi on sand opal. Puudu oli ülemine ümmargune kivi, ja kohe pikka aega. Kui aeg läks mööda ja kui leidsin lõpuks sobiliku kivi (selleks sai Preciosa peegelkihita kristall smoke topaz), siis ei tahtnud päris samasugust keed teha. Tulemus on selline matsakam :) Ja esmapilgul tagasihoidlikum, kuna ei kasutanud pärleid, vaid samatooni metall ja klaashelmeid (miyuki seemnehelmed). Üldse ei torka need ehtekivid sealt raamist esimese hetkega silma, kuna metalli ja kivi toon on sarnane. Aga siis kui valgus vähegi liigub, löövad kivid sätendama ja sillerdama. Imearmsad donut lihvitud helmed on swarovski light colorado topaz.

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This is like a kind of comeback for Atlantis. Because I searched and bought these rhinestones to make a same necklace with different colors. The color for swarovski stones are light smoked topaz and navettes are sand opal. I searched for the upper round stone for a long time. And when I finally found it (it's a Preciosa cristal, unfoiled smoke topaz), I didn't want to make exactly the samekind of necklace. The finished piece is a bit wider and bigger :) And it seems more modest at first sight because I didn't use any pearls but metal beads and glass seed beads (miyuki seedbeads) both similar colors. Actually at first sight these rhinestones do not seeme to dominate at all. But if there's just a little light movement they all start to sparkle and shine. These cute faceted donut beads are swarovski light colorado topaz.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Turquiose Square

Siin on jällegi klaaskivi, mis näeb välja nagu kivi, nagu türkiis :) Ja väheke traadikeerutamist sinna juurde. Tegelikult on see kaelakee tagasihoidlik ja ripatsi osa on väike. Aimduse suurusest saab viimasest pildist. Lisaks klaasile on siin ka swarovski helmeid (turquoise ja pacific opal).

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This is also a glass cabochon here that looks like a stone, like a turquioise :) And a bit of wirewrapping to frame it. This necklace is actually modest and the part with the pendant is little. You can have a hint of it from the last picture. In addition to the glass I put some swarovski beads here (turquioise and pacific opal).