Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lucite Green Collection with Swarovski Padparadscha

Here's the result of months of stringing beads, setting rhinestones and attaching the pearls! I still like the tassels as you can see. Take a look at the new collection on Etsy mdmButiik. Click the listings, look at the photos and share if you like :)

Assemblage Tudor Victorian Hollywood glamour Audrey Hepburn Estonia mdmButiik handmade unique
Here's a group photo of some of the rhinestone jewelry.
vintage costume jewelry costume play cosplay jewelry
 Rhinestone brooch is available on my Etsy shop. As well are the charm bracelet and stud earrings.
Vintage rhinestone necklace crystal Princess necklace mdmButiik
This rhinestone necklace is fit for a princess!
Estonian handmade designer jewelry
 These rhinestone earrings are rather small, measuring 3cm long.
Swarovski mdmButiik rhinestone jewelry Lucite green pearl
Lot of bead stringing here! These old French Prosser beads have such a nice rustic look! 
This rhinestone bracelet is available on Etsy.
Miriam Haskell style jewelry Estonian designer
Fun tassel necklace on the right is perfect for everyday wear! The necklace on the left was the last one I finished. There are also some other jewelry that can be combined with the ones on the photo. See more at mdmButiik Etsy.

Siin on kuudepikkuse lükkimise, kristallide kinnitamise ja pärlite põimimise tulemus! Nagu näha, meeldivad helmestest ripatsid mulle jätkuvalt. Uus kollektsioon on Etsy mdmButiik poes. Kliki tooted lahti, vaata pilte ja jaga, kui sulle meeldib :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Beginning of the Story

Couple of months ago I met a person who ask me if I was "the one that's been around a really long time". In context of handmade jewelry. I remember I choked and didn't know what to answer. And then I got a mail from Jordan from to write a story about a piece of jewelry that has significant value to me. And yes, that triggered a flashback and I'm taking you all with me on this.

Through out the time there's been many jewelry pieces that had a certain effect on me - either teaching me about composition, colors or techniques and also inspiring me. But the most influential piece of jewelry was a beaded necklace from Czech. My memory of it has faded a bit but I still remember that it had red and dark blue (almost black) pressed glass hearts and 4mm round red beads. The red was in the most beautiful opaque color. I'm looking for this color every time I shop for beads, and the closest color is Czech color 93200. But when I compare the two - the beads from the Czech necklace and new ones - there's no match for the old beads! I wish I could travel back in time and take a photo of the necklace! Because the end of that necklace was really a beginning.

When I was a kid I made rings out of wires from old TVs and such that had colorful plastic coatings. But I didn't dare even to dream about glass beads... So once numerous times I was "rearranging" my mothers jewelry box and there were two similar necklaces, my mother told me I could take the broken one and make something out of it. Anything I want. And that was the moment. That was the beginning of my jewelry story.
This is my very first necklace (around 1996) on the left. Before that I made only bracelets, single rows and so-called "slave bracelets". Round red beads are from that Czech necklace I wrote about. You could probably imagine that after the first Czech necklace I wanted more beads. So time after time I could possess more necklaces from my mothers jewelry box. Rather primitive jewelry on the left is all made of Czech beads from that origin. On the right there are some samples of different beading techniques I so eagerly invented because there was nowhere to learn. Only technique here that I learned from web is on the top right - African Helix - that is weaved so thread passes every bead only once. That was probably in 1997-98 when the instructions start to emerge on the web. Beads on the left were from sewing supply stores.
This is an unfinished lariat in herringbone/ndebele technique that became my favorite. I remember there were no bead-shops in Estonia that time so I made my purchases from Czech, UK and US. That was so exiting times! I was able to use Czech glass beads in any color and shape! There was supposed to be two of those big beaded beads on both ends of the lariat but the second bead is still unfinished and that's why I can show you this as something to represent my next step in my jewelry story.
In the beginning of the 2000's I saw the possibilities of wire. By that time there were also some books available to learn from. I started with simple wire bending and looping and ended up with wire wrapping technique. As you can see I tried different color wires: brass, gold plated, silver plated, sterling silver and antique copper. I also used black colored wire and sometimes used red and green :) I also tried different beads - semiprecious stones, natural pearls, handmade beads, Swarovski crystal and metal beads along with Czech glass beads. I opened mdmButiik shop at DaWanda in 2007 and tried my hand in selling jewelry. That was also the year I started this blog.
By the 2009 I had already fallen for the rhinestones. I used them with wire wrapping, embroidery and also attempted soldering. That was the time I discovered the vintage glass stones! And that some of them were out of production. I realized how much I enjoy the hunt and how inspiring they are to me... Old glass components were thrilling and from there I started to take the aim for vintage look. 2009 was the establishing year of company mdmButiik.
Here are some examples of jewelry where I started to combine the rhinestones with stamped filigree plates. I had already started to contact the manufacturers and wholesalers for components I couldn't get from stores or I was using in such a big amount. As you can see antique copper colored components have taken over. It was a bit scary to choose this as my metal, because I heard people say that this doesn't go well with engagement/wedding rings (and it might be true) and I knew the selection of the components was truly small compared to silver or gold plated. So my choice was nothing else but purely holding on to what inspires me. In 2010 I opened mdmButiik shop at Etsy.
And these are the examples of jewelry I make at present time. Czech glass beads are something that I can't design without. Although I don't turn up my nose at beads from other origin. I love pearls! And yes, I'm still into rhinestones. I've stayed true to antique copper even though this hasn't been my plan. I don't like the idea of setting myself boundaries no matter if it's about the materials I use or the style I try to achieve. I want to follow my inspiration.

Paar kuud tagasi ma kohtusin inimesega, kes küsis, kas ma olen "see, kes on päris kaua ehteid teinud". Mäletan, et esimesel hetkel ma ei leidnud sõnu, mida sellisele küsimusele vastata. Ja siis sain meili Jordanilt, kus paluti kirjutada mõnest ehtest, millel on minu jaoks eriliselt tähtis tähendus. Loomulikult tekkis mul kergelt nostalgiline hetk, kus mõttes rändasin ajas tagasi ja täna võtan ma teid kaasa.

Läbi aegade on olnud mitmeid ehteid, millel on olnud teatud mõju minule - kas need on õpetanud mulle kompositsiooni, nippe värvidest või tehnikast ja loomulikult andnud inspiratsiooni. Aga kõige rohkem mõju on avaldanud mulle helmestest kaelakee Tšehhist. Täpselt ei mäleta enam kaelakee ülesehitust, kuid seal olid ilusad punased ja tumesinised (peaaegu musta värvi) südamed ning 4mm ümmargused punased helmed. See punane oli imeilus, kirgas ja läbipaistmatu. Otsin seda värvi iga kord, kui helmeid ostan, kõige lähedasem on Tšehhi klaasi värv nr 93200. Aga kui need kõrvuti panna - uued helmed ja vanad kaelakee omad - ei suuda vanu helmeid miski üle trumbata! Oh, kuidas tahaks ajas tagasi rännata ja teha pilt sellest keest. Sest selle kaelakee lõpp pani alguse minu ehteloole.

Kui ma olin väike, siis ma tegin sõrmuseid vanast värvilise kattega traadist, pärit telekatest jms. Kuid ma ei julgenud isegi klaashelmestest unistadagi... Kui ühel nendest mitmetest kordadest, kui oma ema ehtekarpi "ümber sättisin" ja seal oli kaks ühesugust kaelakeed, siis mu ema ütles, et võin võtta selle katkise ja teha sellest midagi. Ükskõik mida tahan. Ja see oli hetk. See oli minu ehteloo algus.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Gorgeous Tassel Necklaces

Here is a new line of tassel necklaces that I just recently finished. Beaded with old beads from France and Czechoslovakia, strung on fine chain. In medium length 41-42cm, with extra 7cm long tassel that drapes perfectly!

Took a lot of details to put the crystals and beads on the tassel cap, but it was really worth it. I need sparkle :) These are truly fun to wear! I'm going to wait a bit to see if what color I want mine to be. It's decided, I'll make one for myself.

haute couture mdmbutiik estonia jewelry designer
 These necklaces are truly fun to wear! These drape perfectly and
 have medium length of 41-42cm with extra 7cm tassel
rhinestone jewelry Art Deco necklace flapper 1920s style Great Gatsby
 These red beads are from France and are a bit lighter than
the beads from Czechoslovakia that I used in my red collection
Swarovski crystals rhinestone jewelry
Black and bronze combination tassel necklace
authentic vintage beads French Czechoslovakia France antique copper jewelry
If the colors here seem a bit old fashioned 
then you're right - these beads were made from 1880-1950s.

Siin on uus sari kaelakeesid, mis valmisid hiljuti. Vanad helmed Prantsusmaalt ja Tšehhoslovakkiast on lükitud peene keti peale. Keskmise pikkusega (41-42cm) kaelakee, umbes 7cm lisaks ripatsit, drapeerub kaunilt!

Rohkem aega kulus ripatsi helmeste ja kristallidega kaunistamisele, kuid see tasus end kuhjaga ära! Ma vajan sädelust :) Selline kaelakee on puhas lust kanda! Ma ootan pisut ja vaatan, millist värvi ma endale sooviks. Olen otsustanud, et teen ühe endale.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lucite Green Beads, Pearls & Padparadscha Crystals

Some progress shown here... This is an interesting color combination, I must add. More to come!

Another photo of the materials: antique lucite green porcelain beads, 
Czech glass pearls, Swarovski crystal rhinestones.
made in estonia estonian jewelry designers mdmbutiik
Some half-made details that will become a piece of the most romantic jewelry :)
padparadscha swarovski lucite green pearl crystal
Sparkly rhinestone brooch. In the center I put a Swarovski "baguette" crystal
 in Padparadscha color.
mdmbutiik estonia jewelry artist
Cute bracelet with a rhinestone charm!

Siin on näha natuke asjade arengut... Peab mainima, et see värvide kombinatsioon on päris huvitav. Püsi lainel!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

New Collection Begins

It's time for new collection. My mind is waiting and my fingers are ready for it. Here is a selection of materials I'm planning to use.
The turquoise green beads I got from France. These are vintage, made in Prosser technique, and have glossy and bright color. The turquoise color will create a nice contrast with the Swarovski rhinestone color Padparadscha. Vintage topaz luster colored glass beads from Czechoslovakia will complement it. Caramel toned pearls will add lightness and provide possibilities for matching the ready-made jewelry with others. And I guess I can't do without Crystal colored Swarovski rhinestones...

 Prosser beads from France have pretty turquoise green color. 
I have them loose in little drawers in different sizes

 Swarovski Padparadscha is such a fierce color! 

In this picture I tried to present most of the materials,
including caramel tone Czech glass pearls and 
vintage "English cut" topaz luster beads

On aeg uueks kollektsiooniks. Mu vaim on ootel ja näpud valmis. Siin on materjalide valik, mida kavatsen kasutada.
Türkiisrohelised helmed on pärit Prantsusmaalt. Need on vintage, valmistatud Prosseri tehnikas, ja neil on läikiv ja puhas toon. See värv loob põneva kontrasti Swarovski kristallide värviga Padparadscha. Vintage topaas-pruunid helmed Tšehhoslovakkiast aga harmoneeruvad viimasega. Kindlasti lisan pärleid, seekord karamelli-tooni, mis lisab heledust ja annab tulevikus võimalusi valmis ehet teistega kokku sobitada. Ja ma arvan, et ei suuda ilma Crystal värvi Swarovski ehtekivideta...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bridal Hair Accessories from Winter Wonderland

I was able to make a hair comb using these vintage glass leaves. These leaves have such delicate and fine pattern that it seems almost as if these were real. Frozen.
I combined these leaves with Czech seed beads and antique French Prosser beads in oval and round shapes.

bridal jewelry Estonia mdmButiik romantic jewelry
 Bridal hair comb is made from vintage glass leaves, Czech seed beads
 and antique French Prosser beads

Assemblage jewelry romantic feminine jewelry bijoux mariage haarbrosche
 This would look fabulous in vintage style winter wedding!

Swarovski crystal jewelry. mdmButiik Estonia. Romantic jewelry
Small Swarovski crystals are gathered in the center of the comb
with few rhinestones sparkling in the branches.

Kasutasin neid vanu lehekesi dekorattivses juuksekammis. Nendel lehtedel on nõnda õrn ja peenike muster, et need paistavad olevat nagu päris. Jäätunud.
Ma kombineerisin neid lehti Tšehhi seemnehelmestega ja antiiksete ümmarguste ja ovaalsete Prosser helmestega Prantsusmaalt.