Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lavender for March

Lavendel, mõnus lilla toon. Üritasin seda eristada ametüsti lillast ja selline tunne n küll, et võisin mõne valikul puusse panna. Ja eks fakt, et enamus vanemaid pilte on pildistatud kollase lambi valguses, teeb asja veelgi keerulisemaks. Ametüst lillad ehted jäävad siis mõnele teisele kuule :)

Tegu siis mu oma väikese "traditsiooniga" kus valin vastavalt ühele värvile oma albumist mõned vanemad pildid välja, et need seal niisama ei kopitaks. Käesolev on juba kaheksas (õudne kuidas aeg lendab) ning kui soovid vaadata kõiki värve, kliki siia.

Lavendel, that great color. I tried to see the difference between lavender and amethyst and I think I got confused... And the fact of the most pictures were taken with yellow artificial light makes it even more complicated. The color of amethyst will be left to another month :)

This is my little "tradition" that I have here in my blog. I take a color and choose some older pictures from my
album to give them a chance to get shown. This is the 8th color of the month now (time goes really fast). If you'd like to see all the colors of the months then click here.

In Bloom

Õitsemine. Õrn kaelakee, mille täna valmis nokkisin. Tegin oma lillekujulistest helmestest segu ja tahtsin kõike sorte kasutada, aga välja tuli hoopis nii, et sinised ja rohekad toonid ning ca 2cm läbimõõduga lilled jäid kasutamata. Keti küljes on tilgad, odaots ja kokkuvajutatud kalotid, kes teesklevad, et nad on tillukesed kuljused vms :P

Huh, aeg on hakata mõtlema blogi märtsikuu värvile. Aeg lippab ikka kohutavalt kiiresti :)
See kee on müüdud.

Delicate necklace that I finished today. I made a mix out of my flower shaped beads and wanted to put them all in this piece. But it turned out that blues and green tones with big flowers with ca 2cm diameter didn't fit here. There are drops and a dagger on the dangling chain with crimped tiny bead tips that are pretending they're bells or something like that :P

Well, it's time to start thinking about my blogs color for March... Time goes so fast :)

This necklace is sold.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Visit to the Post Office

Külaskäik postkontorisse oli väga saagirikas. Sain korraga kätte kolm saadetist! Esiteks sain kätte k-arvutisalongist tellitud fotod. Olen olnud väga laisk ning peaaegu et tervest 2007 aastast oli ülevaade tegemata, pildid valimata ja fotoveebi saatmata. See valiku tegemine on paras peavalu ja ju seetõttu ma seda pidevalt edasi lükkasingi. Seekord tellisin 169 fotot korraga. Miks ma k-arvutisalongist neid tellin? Esiteks saan tellimuse teha kodust lahkumata ja teiseks muidugi soodsa hinna pärast, kuna neid fotosid mul vaja ikka suures koguses. Kahjuks kipuvad nad fotosid mökerdama ka, lõiguvad ääred ära ning mõnikord ajab see ikka vihale ka.

Teine pakk tuli Luxoniast. Tegime sealt ühise tellimuse ussickesega. Nimelt on Luxonias suur ale ja seda tuli ju ära kasutada eksole :)

Kolmas ja kõige suurem pakk tuli Hong Kongist. Nimelt tegin eksperimendi eesmärgil tellimuse'ist, tellides sealt kaks jaapanikeelset raamatut. Ehteteemalist, loomulikult. Maksin PayPaliga ning kuna summa oli üle 25 usd, oli transport tasuta. Tellimuse tegin 2.märstil, täna jõudis kohale. Mul on mingi nõrkus jaapani helmeraamatute vastu, mul on neid rohkem kui inglisekeelseid... Ei ma ei mõista jaapanikeelt, absoluutselt mitte! Mind võlub nendes raamatutes hoopiski sealsed huvitavad värvilahendused ning kohe eriti nende ehete kompleksivaba materjali kasutamine. No tõesti võib seal leida huvitavaid ja ka šokeerivaid materjalivalikuid ühes ehtes, mis aga kokkuvõttes sobivad perfektselt. Mina, kes pean ennast konservatiivseks inimeseks sain alguses ikka šoki küll, nähes, et ühte ehtesse oli pandud plastmassi, swarovkseid, puud ja kristalli. Minu konservatiivsus seisnes ka nn ohututes värvilahendustes (nt monorkomaatia, värv+must/valge, või kahevärvilisus), millest ma tasapisi tänu jaapani raamatutele välja olen hakanud kasvama. Seekordsed raamatud on mõlemad pulmateemalised. Lähemalt neist uues postituses.

I visited Post office today. And received three packages at the same time!
First there was a package with photos of my jewellery. I've been really lazy and discovered that I havent made a photo assortment of my works almost the whole year of 2007. I order photos from k-arvutisalong. The quality isn't the best but since I need quite a lot of photos then cheap price is important, also the fact that I can upload the photos from my computer and have the photos by mail. This time I ordered 169 photos.

The second package was from Luxonia. I made the order in cooperation with ussicke:) There is a giant sale at Luxonia that is still lasting! :)

Third and the biggest package was from Hong Kong. I made an experimental order from, and ordered two books in japanese. About beaded jewelry ofcourse. I payed with PayPal, and since my order exceeded 25usd then I got free shipping (more info of the amounts with free shipping in different areas of the world are here and for US and Canada here). I made the order on the 2nd March and received it today. I've got a "thing" about japanese beading books, I have more beading books in japanese than in english... no, I don't understand japanese, absolutely not! I'm attracted by the interesting color combinations and complex-free material choices. And seriously you can find interesting and somewhat shocking material-combinations that fit together perfectly! I find myself to be conservative and I was first shocked to see a piece of jewelry that combined plastic, swarovskies, wood and crystal alltogether. I was also conservative about the colors and used almost always "safe" combinations (monochromatic, a color+black/white, or used two colors at once). I think I'm starting to grow out of it thanks to those books. Those two books are both in wedding theme and I think I'll write more about them in another post.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spiral tubular ndebele vol2

Teine katsetus spiraalse ndebelega. Selle toru sees on musta värvi nöör ning seemnehelmestena kasutasin TOHO 11/0 ümaraid musta ning metalse roheka toonika helmeid. Nii see kui ka esimene käekett on tehtud kolme paariga, mitte neljaga nagu Bead&Buttoni õpetuses, kuna minu arvates on selline jämedus just paras. Ja käesolev on parajalt selline siiruviiruline :)

Hehe, mul oli kaks paberilipikut postkastis, varsti saab pakki!!!

Second attempt on the spiral ndebele. Inside the tube there's a black colored lase, and I used 11/0 TOHO round seedbeads in colors of black and green metallic. I made this and the first bracelet with three pair of seedbeads instead of four as taught in Bead&Button because it looks better in my opinion. And this one also looks swirly :)

Yeiiii, I had two postoffice notices in my post, it means I'll get some packages!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Luxurious Earrings with opal and red

Jätkan sama teemaga. Kuna polnud eriti rahul eelmiste kõrvarõngaste puhul konksu ja kaunistuse kinnitusega, otsisin muid variante. Aitäh soovituste eest Annasaarsole, Lucyle ja Sirjele :) Läksin kergema vastupanu teed ning tegin hoopis rippuvad kõrvarõngad. Nüüd kus motiivi nipp on selge, tahaks proovida kõikvõimalikke värvikombinatsioone... oh ideid kui palju. Iseasi on kas keegi sellise pidulikkusega ehteid veel tänapäeval kannab? Vbl ehk teatris? Sest swarovskid ei häbene ja sädelevad nii et püüavad kohe pilgu kinni.

...ja veel. Vist sain oma blogivärgi korda. Oli vaja näppida IE interneti "tööristu" ;)

I carry on with the same theme. Since I wasn't happy with the connection of lever bakcs and the motif of the last pair of earrings I was looking for some other possibilities. Thanks for Annasaarso, Lucy and Sirje who gave me some advice :) I took the easy way and made dangling earrings instead. Now when I've got the motif learned by heart I'd like to try every color combination possible... so many ideas. Though I wonder who will ever wear a pair of earrings with that luxurious look? Perhaps in theatre? Because swarovskies are not shy and sparkle alot to catch the looks.

...and I wanted to add that I think I managed to make it right with I did some corrections in IE internet options ;)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Project Spectrum March: Violet

Lõpuks valmisid minu Värvispektri ehted. See on väike komplekt aga see-eest väga pidulik :) Eriti uhke olen kõrvarõngaste üle, kuna swarovski kivikesed mul peaaegu et pankroti põhjustasid, siis on nende kasutamine igati teretulnud.

Need kõrvarõngad on edasiarendus ühest varem näidatud nööbist. Läbimõõt on 2cm ning kasutatud materjalidena on siin ametüst swarovski kristallid (flat backs), pesad nende jaoks, Tšehhi lihvitud klaashelmed metalse violetse läikega ja samas toonis 2mm seemnehelmed ning ka vaskhelmed. Valmis motiiv on kinnitatud kumerale metallist kausikesse ning see ühendatud kinnikäiva kõrvarõngakonksuga. Kahjuks pole minu arvates konks piisavalt tugevasti kinnitatud ja kipub külgede suunas kiikuma... On teil mingeid soovitusi?

Ripatsis on kasutust leidnud Tšehhi lihvitud klaastilk, swarovksi kivikesed vastavate pesadega ning tillukesed vaskhelmed. Ripats on kerge. Ma pole veel otsustanud millele see rippuma panna, kas lindi või ketile...

Finally I finished jewelry for my Project Spectrum. This is a small set but not a modest one :) I'm really proud of these earrings. I went almost broke because of those swarovskies and every attempt to use them is a good news to me.

These earrings are developed from the button I once showed you. The diameter is 2cm and there are used genuine amethyst swarovski flat backs, metal bases for them (or whatever they are called),Chezh fire polished glass beads with metallic violet finish, seedbeads in the same tone and 2mm copper beads. The motif is attached to curved stamping and all of this is attached to leverbacks. Though the connection between the stamped filligree and leverback is not so sturdy as I would like it to be... Any advice?

There is a faceted drop in the pendant, same swarovskies and tiny copper beads. The pendant is light weight. I havent decided yet should I string it onto a lace or chain...