Eelmise kuu lõpus ja selle kuu alguses sain kätte ammuilma tellitud raamatud. Lõpuks võtsin julguse kokku ja tellisin need
Beads Bee ajakirjad ära. See on jube, kuidas nende hinnad muudkui kerkivad ja kerkivad - isegi kasutatud raamatutena on nende hinnad kõrged, kuna neid trükitakse nii vähe. Võimalik, et need on mu viimased
Beads Bee tellimised... Seekord siis nr 11 ja nr 20.
Beads Bee numbritele tellisin kaks algajate raamatut, see punane on helmepõimingute algteadmistest ning sinine minu lemmik helmespõimingust - kalasaba/
herringbone tehnikast. Mul on eelnevalt kaks sama sarja raamatut, üks RAW-tehnikast ja teine võrktehnikast, nii on väike kollektsioon juba koos. Tean, et on olemas ka rohelist ning oranži värvi, ent mis täpselt seal sees on, ei tea (vist
St.Peterburg'i tehnika ning järsku
brick stitch või
Viimasel pildil on veel üks ajakiri -
My Beads Style nr9. See on sarnane
Beads Bee'le selles mõttes, et ehted on edasijõudnutele ning info koha pealt on väga mahukas. Ning seal on ka kasutatud sellist vintage stiili, mis mulle eriti hästi istub :)
Lisan uued raamatud oma
Beads Bee kollektsiooni ning teised raamatud
oma virtuaalsele raamaturiiulile.

In the end of last month and in the beginning of the current month I received some books I've ordered some time ago. I finally bought the Beads Bee magazines I've dreamt of so long time. It's absolutely frustrating how the prices go up, even secondhand magazines are so expensive - it might be because they don't print these as much as people would like to buy. This is possibly the last time I order Beads Bee magazine... I received vol 11 and vol 20.
In addition to magazines I ordered two beginners books, red one is about the bead stitching basics and the blue one is about my favourite stitch - herringbone/ndebele stitch. I've previously bought two books from the same series, one about RAW and one about netting, so I have a little collection already. I don't have all of them although. I know that there is an orange and green book also, but have no idea what they are about (perhaps about St.Peterburg chain, brick stitch or peyote?).
The last one is another magazine - My Beads Style vol.9. It's very much like Beads Bee, the jewelry is complex and meant for advance level and it has really a lot of info in it. And the jewelry in it has the vintage feel to it, that I really like :)
I'm going to add my Beads Bee magazines to my
collection and other books to
my virtual bookself.