Sunday, February 28, 2010

COTM: Cold Blue for February

Järjekordne kuu on lõpusirgel, veebruarile valisin sinise külma tooni. Panin kokku valiku selle värviga varemvalminud ehteid. Osad on veel värskelt meeles, osad olen suutnud juba unustada.
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Another month is ending, I chose cold blue for February. And I put togehter a selection in that color from jewelry I've made previously. Some of them are recent, some almost forgotten.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

BlueGivre Set

Tegin eelmises postituses oleva kaelakee juurde komplekti. Siin on kaks käeketti, üks lihtne, teine fancy ning rombikujuline pross. Kõrvarõngasteni polegi veel jõudnud, mõttes olid aga sinna need ka jäid. Aeg läheb hullupööra kiirusega - juba hakkab järjekordne kuu lõppema!

Ehetes kasutatud kivid on suht vanad, valmistatud kunagises Tšehhoslovakkias või Lääne Saksamaal, helmed on uued Tšehhist ja Hiinast.
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I made a set to match the necklace in previous post. There are two rhinestone bracelets, one simple and other fancy, and ofcourse a diamond shape brooch. I haven't got a chance to work on matching earrings, I thought about it but that's all. Time seems to fly so fast - another month is ending!

Rhinestones in this jewelry are vintage, from Czechoslovakia or Western Germany, beads are new, from Czech or China.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

LightBlue Givre Necklace

Lõpuks ometi on mul üks swarovski originaal givré kivikestega pakk! See on siis helesinise ja läbipaistva klaasi segu - see alumises reas paremal. Lääne Saksamaa givré klaasi on mul mõned pakid juba kogunenud, vt ka seda postitust. Selle kaelakee ripatsi keskel asubki swarovski ehtekivi, tema ümber on klaasist kivikesed ja helmed.

Nende väikeste klaaskivikeste ostuga läksin alt, see juhtus üle-eelmine kuu. Nägin neid oskjonil ning kuna mul oli juba samavärvilisi navette-kujulisi kivikesi, siis mõtlesin, et sobib ju suurepäraselt. Suuruseks oli oskjonil märgitud 4mm. Noh, arvasin et see on seal 19ss kandis, äärmisel juhul 18ss ja lootsin, et sobivad olemasolevatesse metallist raamidesse. Kui kivid võitsin ja kui need lõpuks minuni jõudsid oli kaks üllatust, üks hea ja teine halb. Hea muidugi see, et kivid on originaal pakendis (selle üle on mul alati hea meel), halb uudis oli see, et kivide suurus on 17ss. See on just selline suurus, mis on liiga väike 19ss (4,5mm) pesakestesse ja liiga suur mu kõige väiksemate raamidele 28pp (~3mm). Nii tuli tellida jälle tehasest, minu õnneks oli miinimumiks ainult 500tk. Ja veel, neid annab kasutada ketina! Tegin kaks keti juppi ripatsi külge rippuma.
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Finally I have an original package of swarovski givré stones! This is a mix color with light blue and clear crystal glass - the right one on the bottom row. I have already some original pakcages from Western Germany, see this post. In the middle of this necklace I put the swarovski rhinestone, it is surrounded with glass stones and beads.

The story of the smaller givré rhinestones is with mixed emotions, it happened few months ago. I saw them on an auction and because I had previously bought navette-rhinestones in the same color I thought they would be perfect together. The size was marked as 4mm on the item description and I thought it was somewhere between the 19ss or 18ss. So I hoped they will fit into the 19ss settings I have. When I won the stones and received them I had two surprises, one good and other not so good. The good thing was that these stones came in original packing (I'm always happy about the original packages) and the bad thing was that the size of the stones was 17ss. It is just not big enough for 19ss (4,5mm) settings and too big for the smallest I have 28pp (~3mm). So I had to contact a factory in Germany and order some, I´m lucky that the minimum was only 500 pcs. And even more, they can be used as a cup chain! I made two short chains for the pendant.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Navy Blue continues

Mäletate ühte sinist prossi? Ja lugu sellest, kuidas üritan tutvust sobitada selle swarovski kapriisse värviga Navy Blue? Mingil müstilisel kombel, nii kui näen kuskil oskjonil seda värvi ehtekive, tunnen vajadust neid endale saada... Et siis khmm... Mul on lisaks pisikestele lihvitud kividele ja ovaalsele kivile veel teisigi. Lihvitud ümmargused suuruses 8mm (39ss) ning navette kivid 15x7mm.
Lisaks swarovski kullaga kaetud ehtekivid ning Tšehhoslovakkia helepruunid ehtekivid. Need kaks sinist helmest õnnestus mul imekombel ühest ammusest helmesegust leida. Vedas...

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Remember this blue brooch? And how I tried to use that Navy Blue swarovski stones in my jewelry despite the fact that it doesn't go with anything? In some mysterious way whenever I see this color swarovski stones I must have them... So khmm... I have more shapes besides the tiny chatons and oval cabochons now. Like big 8mm (39ss) round faceted chatons and navettes 15x7mm.
Here's also swarovski rhinestones that are covered with gold layer and Czechoslovakian light brown rhinestones. Those two blue glass beads I found from an old bead mix. Lucky me...

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Books

Eelmise kuu lõpus ja selle kuu alguses sain kätte ammuilma tellitud raamatud. Lõpuks võtsin julguse kokku ja tellisin need Beads Bee ajakirjad ära. See on jube, kuidas nende hinnad muudkui kerkivad ja kerkivad - isegi kasutatud raamatutena on nende hinnad kõrged, kuna neid trükitakse nii vähe. Võimalik, et need on mu viimased Beads Bee tellimised... Seekord siis nr 11 ja nr 20.

Lisaks Beads Bee numbritele tellisin kaks algajate raamatut, see punane on helmepõimingute algteadmistest ning sinine minu lemmik helmespõimingust - kalasaba/ndebele/herringbone tehnikast. Mul on eelnevalt kaks sama sarja raamatut, üks RAW-tehnikast ja teine võrktehnikast, nii on väike kollektsioon juba koos. Tean, et on olemas ka rohelist ning oranži värvi, ent mis täpselt seal sees on, ei tea (vist St.Peterburg'i tehnika ning järsku brick stitch või peyote?).

Viimasel pildil on veel üks ajakiri - My Beads Style nr9. See on sarnane Beads Bee'le selles mõttes, et ehted on edasijõudnutele ning info koha pealt on väga mahukas. Ning seal on ka kasutatud sellist vintage stiili, mis mulle eriti hästi istub :)
Lisan uued raamatud oma Beads Bee kollektsiooni ning teised raamatud oma virtuaalsele raamaturiiulile.
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In the end of last month and in the beginning of the current month I received some books I've ordered some time ago. I finally bought the Beads Bee magazines I've dreamt of so long time. It's absolutely frustrating how the prices go up, even secondhand magazines are so expensive - it might be because they don't print these as much as people would like to buy. This is possibly the last time I order Beads Bee magazine... I received vol 11 and vol 20.

In addition to magazines I ordered two beginners books, red one is about the bead stitching basics and the blue one is about my favourite stitch - herringbone/ndebele stitch. I've previously bought two books from the same series, one about RAW and one about netting, so I have a little collection already. I don't have all of them although. I know that there is an orange and green book also, but have no idea what they are about (perhaps about St.Peterburg chain, brick stitch or peyote?).

The last one is another magazine - My Beads Style vol.9. It's very much like Beads Bee, the jewelry is complex and meant for advance level and it has really a lot of info in it. And the jewelry in it has the vintage feel to it, that I really like :)
I'm going to add my Beads Bee magazines to my collection and other books to my virtual bookself.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Head sõbrapäeva kõigile!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Jadeiit ja must klaas. Komplekti kuuluvad kaelakee, käekett ning kaks paari kõrvarõngaid. Ma ei plaaninud alguses kaelakeed teha, alustasin hoopis käeketiga, millest tuli kaelakee. Nimelt tegin liiga pikad lingid, mis käe peal muudaks ehte liig nurgeliseks. Need ühendusrõngad on samuti selleks, et vähendada pingeid, mis pikkade linkide korral tekib. Ühendusrõngastega on ka vähem keti takerdumist. Aga kaelakeega olen rahul. Sellepärast, et tuli teistsugune :) Ma kaldun muidu ikka selliseid kaelakeesid tegema, kus on ripatsi osa ning kogu kaelakee on pisut Y-kujuline. Seekord miskit teistmoodi.

Niisiis alustasin käeketiga teistkordselt ja tegin sinna ainult ühe pika lingi. Nagu näha, on mul antiikvaskne traat otsas :(
Jadeiithelmed ostsin kunagi Luxonia'st, must klaas on pärit Tšehhist ning need ehtekivid on vintage swarovski yellow opal (suurus 24pp ehk 3mm).
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Jade and black glass.This set contains a necklace, a bracelet and two pairs of earrings. At first I didn't plan to make a necklace, I started with bracelet that turned into a necklace. I made too many long wire links that looked clunky around the wrist. Those double rings (jump rings) are there to minimise the tensions that long links tend to have. Double rings also help chain against getting tangled. But I'm happy with the whole result. The necklace turned out different than the ones I usually make. I tend to make necklaces with pendants or center parts and with the Y-shape. It's something different.

So I started a bracelet for the second time and made only one long link. As you can see, I'm out of antique copper wire :(
I bought these jade beads once from Luxonia, glass beads are from Czech and these rhinestones are vintage swarovski chatons in Yellow Opal color.