Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Üks väike kaunis ripats, milles kasutasin nii swarovski kivikesi, klaashelmeid, seemnehelmeid kui ka mageveepärleid. Leidsin oma mageveepärlite hulgast kaks eriti muhklikku isendit. Varem nad mulle ei meeldinud. Tegelikult on nendel kena läige ning selline muhklik tekstuur annab pärlile iseloomu :)

Motiivi põimisin traadiga pisut teistmoodi kui tavaliselt. Nagu näha, on seal kaks ametüsti ja üks opal värvi kivike (kokku kolm). Korrapärase ümara vormi vastu võitlevad ka kaks mageveepärlit külgedel, tuues kompositsioonis "raskuse" allapoole. Klaashelmestest on nii lillakaid kui ka roosakaid toone. Kui motiivike valmis, kinnitasin selle neljakandilise metallist plaadikesele, millel painutasin tangidega kolm nurka üles, mis moodustasid nagu pesa.

A small pendant I made with wire using some swarovski stones, glass beads, seedbeads and freshwater pearls. I found a couple of pearls with bumpy texture. I didn't like them at first. But actually their shine is beautiful and the bumpiness gives them some characteristic features too :)

I made the motif a bit different than before. As you can see there are two amethyst and one opal colored swarovski stones (so three stones together). The whole motif is not round and regularly shaped. The couple of FWP brings the "weight" down while darker colors are on the upper part. There are glassbeads in colors of violet and pink. When the motif was done I attaached it to a rectangular metal plate. I bent the three corners of the plate up so it became to be a kind of a setting for the motif.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Beadsmith Reamer Set

Ostsin jaanuaris viilide komplekti ning lubasin suure suuga kirjutada ka oma kogemustest nende kasutamisel. Nagu korralikel viilidel kohane, on need kaetud teemantitega :D Viilimistööd teen jooksva kraani all. Olen kasutanud neid viile rohkem kui alguses arvasin. Alguses arvasin ka näiteks seda, et hakkan kasutama viile peamiselt käsitsi tehtud helmeste tunnelite puhastamisel.

Aga vot, käsitsi tehtud helmeid ma niiväga oma ehetes ei kasutagi :) Täiesti hädavajalikuks osutus aga komplekti kõige pisem tegelane (kollane viil), tänu kellele ma olen saanud kasutada poolvääriskividest helmeid (millel on tavaliselt väikesed augud) kartmata, et pean kogu niidi helmestest tüjendama leidmaks paari piisava auguga helmest. Nagu näha juuresolevalt pildilt, on BeadSmithi logo sealt juba ära kulunud... Samal eesmärgil saab kasutada ka punast viili, kui kollane oma töö juba ära teinud ning auk võiks helmel veel suurem olla. Sinist viili olen kasutanud harvem, kuid toda rohekat pole kasutanud kordagi! Ehk sobib see rohkem käsitsi tehtud helmeste aukude siledamaks tegemiseks, aga ju on mul siis suhteliselt kvaliteetsed helmed olnud :P

I bought a set of reamers in January and promised to write more about them, how did I find them useful or not. As decent reamers suppose to they are covered with diamonts :D I use reamers under running tap water. I have used reamers more often as I thought at the beginning. I also thought that I'll use them mostly with handmade lampwork beads perhaps to clean the holes or something like that.

It turns out I'm not so eager of using lampworked beads in my jewellery after all :) But I found that yellow reamer is absolutely essential, because thanks for that I had no problems with semiprecious beads that usually have small holes. And it was great not to have to pull off all the beads on a string just to find a pair of beads with holes large enough. You can see that the BeadSmiths logo is almost worn off by now... I use red reamer for the same purpose, when the smaller one (yellow) has done its job, but I need the bead hole to be even bigger. I have used the blue reamer very rarely but I haven't used the greenish one at all! I suppose it's a great thing to have when you need to smoothen the edges of a hole of some lampworked bead, but I guess the quality of beads I have used has been good enough.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another Project with TOHOs

Tagasi TOHOde juurde :P Ostsin Silverpointist TOHOsid juurde. Oi, kui ilusad need beežid on! Kui klaas on läbipaistmatu on helme kuju palju paremini näha ja kui tegu kvaliteetse seemnehelmega, on pilt väääga kena :)

Sellest on tulemas kaelakee, praegu on see veel pooleli. Värvidest olen kasutanud beeži, helesinist ning rosaline-nimelist roosat. Loomulikult on siin kasutatud ndebele/kalasaba mustrit :P

I bought some TOHO seedbeads from Silverpoint. I'm amazed by the beauty of beige seedbeads! Opaque glass shows more the shape of the beads and when you're looking at seedbeads with quality the view is pleasing :)

This will be a necklace, right now it's unfinished. I used colors like beige, rosaline and light blue. And ofcourse I use ndebele/herringbone stitch here :P

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Project Spectrum: Green April

Värvispektri projekti aprillikuu roheline! Selle komplekti sünd oli vaevaline... Alustasin juba ammu, kuid siis puudus vajalik plaadike ripatsile ja siis veel see mummukett, mida ei saanud kohe mitte tavalisega asendada. Lõpuks olid kõik osad päral ning kee sai valmis. Kõrvarõngad olid juba aprilli alguseks valmis :)

Siin on jälle üks sammuke edasi selle lihtsa motiivi arendusest. Avastasin, et seda on võimalik lõpmatuseni "kasvatada" aina suuremaks ja suuremaks. Ainult siis on vaja leida paraja suurusega tagus, sest iseenesest on see traadist põimitud motiivike liiga õrn.

Veel leidsin enda jaoks rahuldava lahenduse nende kõrvarõngaste osas. Nimelt oli mul varem valminud lillade kõrvarõngastega probleem, kuna hingedega kõrvarõngakonksud kippusid külgede suunas liikuma. Nende lilladega nägin suurt vaeva, kuid jõudsin tulemusteni! Uuema versiooni kohaselt ei kinnita ma seda kõrvarõngahaaki traatidega väljapoole metallist plaadikest, vaid panen selle konksu plaadikesest läbi ning igaksjuhuks veel traadi ühest kohast toestama. Nüüd kõigub konks küll, aga ainult millimeetri jagu ja see on minu jaoks suur saavutus :P

This set took a lot of time from the beginning to finishing... I started long time ago but then I didn't have a metal plate big enough and then there was a big need for ball chain that was no way possible to be exchanged with regular chain. But finally I finished the necklace. Earrings were ready in the beginning of the April :)

This is another step further with this
simple motif. I discovered that it is possible to "grow" this pendant bigger and wider with adding layers. Only problem was that it needed a matching metal plate because the wire stitched motif itself is not strong enough.

And then I found a way with those earrings. You see, I had a problem with
purple earrings because those leverbacks were moving side to side. Since I was not happy about it, I couldnt' leave it like that. After some not-so-successful attempts I found a solution! Now I don't attach the leverback to the metal plate just with wires but I'll put the leverback through the metal plate and for security put some wire just to be sure. Leverback earringhook is moving a bit but only for one millimeter and I'm really pleased :P

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Girly Bangle with Pink Lace and Swarovskis

Mul oli varem hangitud swarovski kivikestega kett, teate küll, selline, kus pesad kivikestega on omavahel ühendatud. Sellised ketid on küll väga ilusad, kuid mina olen oma kogemusena leidnud, et nende ehetesse paigutamisega tuleb kõvasti pead murda. Idee kivikestega ketti kasutada koos lindiga sain ma Evita Peroni Kevad-Suve 2008 vihikust, mille sain Tallinna Kaubamaja ilumaailmast (sisenedes Evita Peroni leheküljele, on seesama komplekt kohe esimesel pildil, mida näed!). Milline rõõmus äratundmine mind valdas :)

Kõigepealt lõikasin kaks paraja pikkusega eelpainutatud traadijuppi, valisin lindi ning hakkasin kerima :P Kasutasin kahte eelpainutatud traati, kuna see kivikestega kett oli lai. Käevõru otste lõpetamine oli pisut probleemne, kuna eelpainutatud traat on vastikult rabe... Aga kuidagi õnnestus mul otsad viimistleda mässides seda sama linti ja traati.

I've bought some swarovski chaton chain, you know the kind where stones are in montees and those are attached to each other. That kind of chains are very beautiful, but I get in difficulties when I want to use them in my jewellery. I got this idea from a booklet of Evita Peronis Spring-Summer 2008 (when you enter Evita Peronis site the first picture should be about that set!). I was really happy to see that same chain used in a set with dark blue lace :)
First I cut two pieces of memory wire, took some lace and started wrapping around the chain with stones and memory wire :P I used two pieces of memory wire because the chain with stones was quite wide. Ending that bangle was troublesome, because that memory wire was so brickle... But I managed ending with wrapping the lace and wire.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Color lab vol2: Desert Rose

Selles värvieksperimendis on kokku sobitatud topaas (swarovski kivi), kuldkollane, õrnbeez vaskse läikega ning kahvatu lilla ja pastelne kollane (mis mõjub kuldkollaste toonide kõrval lausa rohelisena).
Nimi - Desert Rose - pole inspireeritud Stingi laulust :) vaid ühest omapärasest mineraalide kooslusest. Kas pole põnev?
Ripats mõjub kolmemõõtmeliselt, ja ehkki kasutasin ka jahedaid värve (pastelne kollane ja kahvatulilla) on kee üldjoontes ikkagi soojades toonides. Ripatsi keskmes on teravatipuline helmekübar, mille otsad keerasin huvi pärast rulli :)
Praegu katsetan suuremat motiivi, milles oleks rohkem kui 4 swarovski kivi sees. Aga sellest lähemalt siis, kui ehe valmis ;)

In this color experiment you can find topaz (swarovski stone), golden yellow, pale beige with copper finish, but also pastel yellow (that looks a bit green next to golden tones) and light lilac.
The name - Desert Rose - is not inspired from that Stings song :) but from interesting mineral
formation. Isn't it fascinating?
The pendant is three dimensional and even though I used some cool colors (pastel yellow and pale lilac) this necklace has a warm color. In the center of the pendant there is a
pointy cap, I rolled its petals down to make this more interesting :)
Right now I'm experimenting with motif that has more than 4 swarovski stones in it. More info about that when that piece of jewellery is done ;)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Color lab vol1: Midnight Blossom

Arendades esialgset swarovskitega motiivi natuke julgemaks ja edevamaks, tuli välja selline. See kaelakee oli osa mu värvi eksperimendist :) Värvidena kasutasin siin ametüst kivikesi ning tumelillasid MCsid, helerohelisi ning montana siniseid klaashelmeid. Ahjaa, kahvatulillad lihvitud klaashelmed on siin ka ja violetsed seemnehelmed (ceilon). Ja et kohe eriti edev oleks, panin ripatsi külge kette ja muid lisandeid. Õnneks on kee värvid suhteliselt rahulikud ja nii pole tulemus liialt priiskav.
See motiivi aretus näeb välja nagu mingi eksootilise taime õis :) Sellest ka kee nimi - Kesköö õis.
See kee on müüdud.

Enhancing the first motif I made with swarovskies I came to this one, more bold and lavishing. This necklace was part of my color experiment :) I used amethyst swarovsko stones, dark purple MCs, light green and montana blue glass beads. And some pale lilac glass beads too, and violet ceilon seed beads. And to make it even more lavishing I added chain and some other accessories to the pendant. Fortunately are colors quite calm and the necklace doesn't seem too vain.
This motif reminds me a blossom of some exotic plant :) That's why I named it - Midnight Blossom.
This necklace is sold.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Honey Dreams

See kaelakee valmis koos tolle roosaga. Kuna mõlemat tol korral korraga näidata ei soovinud, jäi see unustusse kuni täna selle kapi pealt leidsin :) Põhimõtteliselt on kaelakeed samad, ainult toon on teine. Selles kees on kasutatud põhiliselt tritriini ning värvitud mageveepärleid koos vasksete jubinatega.

This necklace was made by me with the pink one. Since I didn't want to post them both in my blog at the same time, I kind of forget it. Today I found it on my drawer :) Basically it's the same necklace but in different color. I used mostly citrine and dyed freshwater pearls with copper components.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Shopping... again...

Tegin tagasihoidliku ostu etsyst. Nagu ikka, vaskset kraami. Soovides oma vaskkomponentide valikut täiendada, peilisin välja tegelase nimega Beadsupplies. Saak on toodud ära pildil, kõrvarõngakonksud olid "lisaks" :P

I made a modest order from etsy the other day. Mostly copper parts as usual. I wanted to find some assortment to my ordinary copper components and found this seller called Beadsupplies. The picture tells the rest, and I found some "additional" earringhooks too :P

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Valge kee valgete helmeste ning vasksete komponentidega. Ripats on teile muidugi tuttav :D Hiljuti saabusid need metall-tagused ja nüüd saan rahulikult swarovski kividega edasi mängida. Tahan katsetada erinevaid värve! Aga siin on kristalltoonis kivikesed sobitatud valge klaasiga. Valge pildistamine on nagu see on, ega kollaka taustaga polegi nii hull. Ehkki paremini saaks ka.

White necklace with white glass beads and copper plated components. The pendant reminds you some previous stuff I've made :D I just received those metal stampings that I use at the back of the motif so now I can play with these swarovski stones again. I'd like to try all the colors! Here are crystal colored stones with white glass. Photographing white is as it is, I think I got it OK with this yellowish background. Though I could do better.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Pendant!

Vabandused, et tekst jäi hilja peale. No jälle on mul blogimisega raskusi...
Tegu on mitte-nii-tagasihoidliku ripatsiga, kus keskmes on kaunis lihvitud tsitriin, mille ümber keerasin imepeenikesest traadist spiraali. Veel on ringis jadeiiti (butter jade) ning pisikesed oonüksid. Allosas on paari jadeiidi kõrval peridoote, roosat kvartsi (see kahvatu kivi) ning ametüsti. Ametüst helmed sättisin nii, et tugevama värvusega on all pool ja kahvatumad roosa kvartsi ja peridooti kõrval. Ripats pole väga suur, selle ümmarguse osa diameeter on ca 2cm ning rippuv osa 2,5cm pikk.

Sorry for the missing text, seems like there's still some troubles in my blogging...
This is not-so-modest pendant, that has a beautiful faceted citrine bead in the center and that has a spiral around wrapped from really fine wire. There are butter jade beads in the circle and some tiny onyx beads. At the bottom I made a fringe starting with a couple butter jade beads and peridots adding rose quartz (those pale ones) and finally amethyst beads. I placed the amethyst beads so that beads with brighter color are at the end. This pendant is not big, the diameter of the round part is ca 2cm and the fringe is 2,5cm long.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What's your favourite?

Miline on sinu lemmik? :) Olen viimasel ajal kõrvarõngaste lainel olnud ja paneks siia mõned ülesse ka. Praegustel olen kasutanud ikka vaskse viimistlusega traati ning komponente. Helmesteks on siin nii vaske, klaasi kui ka pärleid ja polvääriskivisid (granaat). Proovisin teha võimalikult väikeiseid elemente. Kõige väiksem traadiga mässitud ringike on nn "päikesekiviga" kõrvarõngastel ning on 10mm suuruse diameetriga. Esimene kõrvarõngapaar on ka DaWandas müügil, kui kellelgi huvi ;)

So what's your favourite? I've done nothing but earrings lately :) and here's some pictures of them. I've used copper plated wire and components. Beads are from copper, glass, pearls and semi precious stones (garnet). I tried to make as small rings as possible. The smallest is in the earrings with goldstone and measure 10mm in diameter. I put the first pair on a sale at DaWanda if anybody is interested ;)