Happy New Year!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I would never have thought...
Oh jah, kõik sai alguse ühe kaltsuka külastusest, kus märkasin kassa juures olevas kastis suuri koonuseid peene lõngaga. Nad lausa hüüdsid mulle, et nad on villased ja hea kvaliteediga... ja ma ostsin need ära. Nad maksid 5.- tükk!!! Aga mida ma nendega teen?! Ma pole kuduja-heegeldaja. Kudusin viimati ammu-ammu käsitöö tunnis... Endamisi arutlesin küll, et vbl leiaks kellegi, kellega teha nn haltuura-kaupa. Et vahetan ehte salli valmistamise eest vms. A siis mõtlesin, et tegelikult ei saa neid kahte asja ju üldsegi võrrelda, kudumit ning metallist jublakat, ning pealegi ei ole mul õrna aimugi, millist salli (või hoopis rätti) ma soovin.
Kammisin isetegija.net kudumise ja heegeldamise teemasid. Sealt sain vähemalt mõtte, et tahaks midagi pitsilist ja ikkagi salli. Üks rätt mul on aga kannan seda harva ning sall tundub praktilisem. Vaadates erinevaid mustreid tekkis kahtlane tunne, et peab algvõtted ja mustrite tingmärgid meelde tuletama. Õnneks on mul kodus raamat C.Hallik "Silmuskudumine" (1957). Sealt leidsin muuseas ka pitsilisi mustreid ja oh häda, üks hakkas nii VÄGA meeldima...
Ühesõnaga tegin ühe kummaliselt hulljulge sammu ja lõin silmad varrastele. Ma pole naiivne, ega arvagi, et seda pitsilist mustrit sealt pärast võimalik näha oleks :) või et mul tuleksid silmused ühtlased vms. Niikuinii tuleb ka vigu sisse.
Aga lõng on mõnus, pehme... ja villane. Viimast tean, kuna mul kohe alguses tuli katkenud lõng näpu vahel kokku viltida ning ka põletuse test kinnitas, et tegu loomse kiuga. Isegi kududa on mõnus ja teraapiline :) Loodan, et see haruldane tuju mul enne üle ei lähe kui midagi valmis saan. Aga ma ei suuda siiani leida piisavalt head ideed, kuidas sinna helmeid sokutada...
Edit: helmeid ei pannudki :)
Oh well, it all started when I visited a second-hand store and saw a couple of big yarn cones in a box at the cash register. They almost shouted that they are so fine and with a good quality... And I bought them. They cost was appr. 0,45 usd each!!! But what on earth am I going to do with them?! I'm not into knitting or crocheting! I last knitted so long ago while I was in school... In the back of my mind I was considering a possibility for swapping one of my jewellery with somebody knitting for me. But then again, can knitting and jewellery be compared. After all they're quite different and I had no idea of what I exactly wanted - and if it was a shawl or a scarf.
I was looking around at isetegija.net for ideas. I made a desicion that I want something lacy and knitted. And a scarf seemed more practical for me than a shawl. I found many patterns and realized I needed to remind knitting basics and also the signs and abbreviations used in the patterns. Fortunately I had a book about knitting from the year 1957 (C.Hallik "Silmuskudumine"). Among other things I found some pretty lacy patterns and oh no, one was REALLY pretty indeed...
So I acted audaciously and started with a scarf! I'm not naive and I'm not expecting for the pattern actually be visible after I'm done :) or that the result would be even and tidy etc. And ofcourse I'll make mistakes.
But the yarn is enjoyable and soft... and from wool. I know it because I could felt the broken yarn easily back together and I also tested with fire, it burned with the smell of wool. And it actually feels good and therapeutic to knit :) I hope this rare "mood" doesn't fade before I'm finished with something. But I still can't find a good idea how to add some beads into it...
Edit: I didn't put any beads in it :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Pineapple Tiramisu Necklace
Ma avastasin endas huvitava oskuse!!! No võttis aega alles, et see lõpuks avalduks! Ma suutsin teha ÕPETUSE järgi kaelakee!!!! Juhuuu!!! Lõpuks ometi. Enne pühasid koristasin oma helmemajandust ja tegin laua korda. Millegipärast on nii, et kui kõik on korras, siis mul ideid ei tule. Naljakas kas pole? Kui tulebki mingi ideepojuke, siis pärast helmeste näpu vahel veeretamist pole sellega ikkagi rahul ja nii rändavad kõik asjad tagasi oma kohale.
Võtsin siis kätte raamatu, et ehk hakkab kuskilt mõte jooksma. Kätte sattus see raamat (mille sain mõned nädalad tagasi) ja silma jäi see kaelakee. Seal on tõesti head õpetused, jaapani keelt ma ei oska, aga skeemid on super head ja need on veel värvilised ka (ja seetõttu sisaldavad veel rohkem infot). Muidugi seemnehelmeste suurusi seal polnud (muidu olekski see raamat liiga hea), aga joonise järgi oli aimata, millised suuremad, millised väiksemad. Nojah miyuki magatamas'id mul polnud, samuti polnud mul piisavalt 2mm pressitud helmeid... Mõtlesin, et kui asendamisega saan enamvähem normaalse värvigamma kokku, siis läheb tegemiseks :) Kasutasin hoopis 6x6mm pineapple klaaskvartsist lihvitud tilku ning osad 2mm pressitud helmed asendasin suuremate seemnehelmestega. Novot ja... tegingi valmis!
Ma ei kasutanud seda nn kahenõelalist RAW tehnikat nagu raamatus, vaid tegin ühega ning kasutasin beeži Nymo (D) vahatatud niiti. Samuti ei teinud ma neid motiive 7 vaid 5 ning kuna kaelas hakkas helmestega osa lindil ette puntrasse libisema (raamatus oli kasutatud selle vältimiseks sametpaela), siis õmblesin ma helmestega osa kahest kohast lindi külge. Veel lõpetasin lindi otsad kuldsete paelaotsikutega ning lisasin sinna lihvitud helmed. Kaelakeed saab kanda kahel moel, nagu allpool pildil (nii, et lips jääb kuklapoolele) ja nii, et lindid on toodud tagant ette lipsu. Ahjaa, need tillukesed swarovskid on ka omaalgatuslikult sinna pandud :D
Veel üks asi seoses selle raamatuga, et kuigi seal on head skemaatilised instruktsioonid, võib sul juhtuda, et kõiki vajalikke helmeid lihtsalt pole. Ja ma ei ütleks, et mu helmevarud väikesed oleks :) ning mul võttis parajalt aega ja vaeva, et kokku sobitada vajalikud helmed ning arvestada ka värvide sobivusega.
I discovered an interestin ability in me!!! Well it took al lot of time for it to emerge! I manage to make a necklace according to a TUTORIAL!!!! Yipiii!!! Finally. Before the holidays I cleaned up my beading stash and my desk. In some reason I can't have ideas when everything is clean and in order. Funny isn't it? And if there is a tiny idea then after holding the beads in my hands it doesn't look so good anymore and everything goes back to their places.
So I took a book and hoped I'll get somewhere like that. I started with this book (I got it a couple of weeks ago) and liked this necklace. There are really good tutorials, I don't understand japanese but the schemes are super good and in colors (so they have even more information). Ofcourse there wasn't any info about the sizes of seedbeads I could understand (otherwise this book would be too good to be true) but I could guess from the drawings comparing different beads. Well I didn't have any Miyuki magatamas and my supply of 2mm pressed round beads wasn't big enough... So I thought IF I can replace the beads and have a color combination good enough I'd give it a try :) I used 6x6mm pineapple quartzglass faceted drops instead of magatamas and replaced some 2mm beads with bigger seedbeads. And so... I did it!
I didn't use two-needle RAW like in the book, I'm more comfortable with one needle and used light beige Nymo (D) cord. Also I didn't make 7 motifs but 5 and since the beaded part started to slide into one bundle in front (in book there was a velvet ribbon for that reason) I sewed them together. I finished the ribbon ends with gold colored tips and added FP beads. It's possible to wear this necklace in two ways, first as shown picture above (ribbons tied from the back) and secondly in this way so ribbons are brought in front and then tied. Oh yes, and I absolutely HAD TO add those tiny swarovskies :D
Oh, another thing about this book is that although it has good schematic instructions, it could easily happen that you may not have all the beads required. I wouldn't say that my bead stash is small :D but it took alot of work looking up all the beads I needed and also combining the colors.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Little bit of this and that...
Mõned vahepealsed tööd, mille pildistamisega olen viivitanud. Esimene on käekett goldstone'i ja roheliste klaaskvartsist tilkadega. Lilled tegin 2mm suurustest helmestest ja südamikuks on hele kassisilm. Teine on kaelakee indicolite swarovski kiviga. Kolmas jälle käekett, klaaskvartsist tilkadest moodustasin lillekesed ja südameks panin väikese peridot värvi swarovski. Veel on seal violet opal swarovski helmed. Viimastel piltidel on kingitus mu vennale - kaelakee laava kivi, merekarbist rattaste (täpset nime ei oska anda) ning hõbedaga.
Some of my works that had waited for photographing and uploading. First one is a bracelet with brown goldstone and green quartz glass teardrops. I made these little flowers with 2mm beads of goldstone and light cateye. Second one is a necklace with indicolite swarovski stone. Third one also a bracelet with pineapple quartz and violet opal swarovski beads. I made the flowers with teardrops and with a tiny peridot colored swarovski sew-on. On the last photos there is a gift for my brother - a necklace with lava stone, hammershell heishi and silver.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Hair accessories for the New Years Eve
Otsustasin teha endale ühe juuksekaunistuse tulevaks aastavahetuseks. Silme ees olid 1940ndad :) Tegin kokku neli juukseklambrit, aga sellist nagu alguses kujutasin, ma teha ei suutnudki. Eks teine kord. Kaks klambrit (punane ja sinine) on sulepaelaga ning need jäävad hoidma natukene püsti :D Veel on seal tülli ja musta pitsi. Ja loomulikult swarovskid :) ei saa kohe ilma nendeta. Punasel on 6mm suurune vintage rose värvi kivi ja sinisel 6mm erinite. Oliivrohelise rosetiga juukseklambril on keskel tikitud musta tülli peale khaki värvi swarovski kive (sileda tagusega) ja musti lihvitud 3mm klaashelmeid. Kõige väiksem ja tagasihoidlikum klamber on üleni must. Seal on musta pitsi, tülli, lihvitud klaashelmeid ning musti swarovski kive (sileda tagusega). Rohkem pilte leiad siit.
I decided to make myself a pretty hair clip for the coming New Years Eve. I was thinking of the 1940s :) I made four clips but I couln't achieve the one I had in mind. Well, some other time then. Two clips are made with feather string (?) and they stand up as real feathers :D There are also some tulle and black lace. And ofcourse swarovskies :) can't do without them. The red one has a 6mm vintage rose chaton and blue one has a 6mm erinite chaton. The clip with olive green rosette has some embroidered 3mm faceted glass beads and 4mm khaki colored flat back sew-ons. The smallest and the most modest one is all in black color. There are black tulle, lace, glass beads and swarovski flat back sew-ons. You find more pictures from here.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Four Angel Brooches
Neljanda advendi puhul tegin isetegija.net Advendiingli projekti raames neli ingliga prossi. Pildid on jällegi minu joonistatud. Hariliku pliiatsiga paberile ning paber mitu korda üle lakitud. Seekord panin kõik pildid antiik kuldsesse (vbl pigem messingu moodi) raami ning prossi nõelad liimisin taha. Lõpuks olen leidnud hea liimi selliste tööde jaoks. Kasutan sellist liimi, mis sain tänu janalillele FMGst. See on tõesti tugev ja täiesti läbipaistev.
On the fourth Advent I made for the isetegija.net project Advent Angels four brooches with angel pictures. I drew the pictures with pencil on paper and put many coats of lacquer. I put the picture in antique gold (or more like brass-looking) settings and glued the pin needle. Finally I have found a good glue for this kind of jobs. I use this glue that I got from FMG thanks to janalill. It is really strong and absolutely colorless.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Rose Water Opal
Ma ei ütleks, et mu unisused oleks kunagi roosad olnud :) Aga kui oleks, siis oleks just selline toon - õrn, udune ja muinasjutuline. See kee on tellimustöö. Oh kuidas ma põdesin, kas saajale ikka meeldis... Aga meeldis! Ega siin midagi uut ja esmakordset pole, paar traadi tiiru ja valmis. Olen märganud, et praegu, kus on sallikandmise hooaeg, eelistatakse kaelakeesid, millel pole keti küljes lisavidinaid. Elementaarne, eksole, kuid minu jaoks ikkagi uus tähelepanek.
Messingtraat, swarovski kivi (12mm) ja helmed (6mm).
I can't say my dreams have ever been pink :) But if they were then that is the right color hue - delicate, misty and fairytale'ish. This is a custom work. I was so worried if it was suitable etc... It was! There's nothing new or extraordinary about it, some wirewrapping and done. I've noticed that right now when people wear scarfs they seem to prefer necklaces with no extra dangles on the chain at the sides and the back. I guess it's obvious but it still was a new observation for me.
Brass wire, swarovski stone (12mm) and beads (6mm).
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Last one for Color Spectrum 2008
Seekordne projekt Värvispekter 2008 on nüüdseks minu jaoks läbi. Kõige viimase, detsembrikuu, värvideks olid kas roheline ja punane või kuldne ja hõbedane. Mina valisin viimase. Panen kõik pildid siia ritta :) Endalgi hea meenutada. Pildile klikates avaneb vastav blogipostitus (v.a detsembrikuu omal).
The Color Spectrum 2008 Project is now over for me. For the last month, december, there was a possibility to choose between two color pairs: green and red or gold and silver. I chose the last one. I'm going to put all the months works here :) Nice for me to see them all together :D When you click on the picture then a window with a blog post opens where you may read more and see more pictures (except for the December).